Cordova Facebook SDK Plugin
Use Facebook SDK in Cordova projects
Table of contents
See npm package for versions -
Make sure you've registered your Facebook app with Facebook and have an APP_ID
$ cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-fbsdk --save --variable APP_ID="123456789" --variable APP_NAME="myApplication" --variable CLIENT_TOKEN="abcd1234"
is used as a string in XML files, if your app name contains any special characters like "&", make sure you escape them, e.g. "&".
If you need to change your APP_ID
after installation, it's recommended that you remove and then re-add the plugin as above. Note that changes to the APP_ID
value in your config.xml
file will not be propagated to the individual platform builds.
Installation Guides
This is a fork of the official plugin for Facebook in Apache Cordova that implements the latest Facebook SDK. Unless noted, this is a drop-in replacement. You don't have to replace your client code.
The Facebook plugin for Apache Cordova allows you to use the same JavaScript code in your Cordova application as you use in your web application.
If you are looking to test the plugin, would like to reproduce a bug or build issues, there is a demo project for such purpose: demo.
- Cordova >= 5.0.0
- cordova-android >= 9.0.0
- cordova-ios >= 6.0.0
- cordova-browser >= 3.6
Facebook SDK
This plugin use the SDKs provided by Facebook. More information about these in their documentation for iOS or Android
Facebook SDK version
This plugin will always be released for iOS and for Android with a synchronized usage of the Facebook SDKs.
Graph API version
Please note that this plugin itself does not specify which Graph API version is used. The Graph API version is set by the Facebook SDK for iOS and Android (see Facebook documentation about versioning)
Get Application ID and Name
facebookConnectPlugin.getApplicationId(Function success)
Success function returns the current application ID.
facebookConnectPlugin.getApplicationName(Function success)
Success function returns the current application name.
Set Application ID and Name
By default, the APP_ID and APP_NAME provided when the plugin is added are used. If you instead need to set the application ID and name in code, you can do so. (You must still include an APP_ID and APP_NAME when adding the plugin, as the values are required for the Android manifest and *-Info.plist files.)
facebookConnectPlugin.setApplicationId(String id, Function success)
Success function indicates the application ID has been updated.
facebookConnectPlugin.setApplicationName(String name, Function success)
Success function indicates the application name has been updated.
Note that in order to dynamically switch between multiple app IDs on iOS, you must use the OTHER_APP_SCHEMES variable and specify each additional app ID you will use with setApplicationId
separated by a comma, e.g.
$ cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-fbsdk --save --variable APP_ID="123456789" --variable APP_NAME="myApplication" --variable CLIENT_TOKEN="abcd1234" --variable OTHER_APP_SCHEMES="fb987654321,fb876543210,fb765432109"
Get Client Token
facebookConnectPlugin.getClientToken(Function success)
Success function returns the current Client Token.
Set Client Token
By default, the CLIENT_TOKEN provided when the plugin is added is used. If you instead need to set the Client Token in code, you can do so. (You must still include a CLIENT_TOKEN when adding the plugin.)
facebookConnectPlugin.setClientToken(String token, Function success, Function failure)
Success function indicates the Client Token has been updated.
Failure function returns an error String.
facebookConnectPlugin.login(Array strings of permissions, Function success, Function failure)
Success function returns an Object like:
status: "connected",
authResponse: {
accessToken: "<long string>",
data_access_expiration_time: "1623680244",
expiresIn: "5183979",
userID: "634565435"
Failure function returns an Object like:
errorCode: "4201",
errorMessage: "User cancelled"
Limited Login (iOS Only)
facebookConnectPlugin.loginWithLimitedTracking(Array strings of permissions, String nonce, Function success, Function failure)
Success function returns an Object like:
status: "connected",
authResponse: {
authenticationToken: "<long string>",
nonce: "foo",
userID: "634565435"
Failure function returns an Object like:
errorCode: "4201",
errorMessage: "User cancelled"
See the Facebook Developer documentation for more details.
facebookConnectPlugin.logout(Function success, Function failure)
Get Current Profile
facebookConnectPlugin.getCurrentProfile(Function success, Function failure)
Success function returns an Object like:
userID: "634565435",
firstName: "Woodrow",
lastName: "Derenberger"
Note: The profile object contains a different set of properties when using Limited Login on iOS.
Failure function returns an error String.
Check permissions
facebookConnectPlugin.checkHasCorrectPermissions(Array strings of permissions, Function success, Function failure)
Success function returns a success string if all passed permissions are granted.
Failure function returns an error String if any passed permissions are not granted.
Get Status
facebookConnectPlugin.getLoginStatus(Boolean force, Function success, Function failure)
Setting the force parameter to true clears any previously cached status and fetches fresh data from Facebook.
Success function returns an Object like:
authResponse: {
accessToken: "kgkh3g42kh4g23kh4g2kh34g2kg4k2h4gkh3g4k2h4gk23h4gk2h34gk234gk2h34AndSoOn",
data_access_expiration_time: "1623680244",
expiresIn: "5183738",
userID: "12345678912345"
status: "connected"
For more information see: Facebook Documentation
Check if data access is expired
facebookConnectPlugin.isDataAccessExpired(Function success, Function failure)
Success function returns a String indicating if data access is expired.
Failure function returns an error String.
For more information see: Facebook Documentation
Reauthorize data access
facebookConnectPlugin.reauthorizeDataAccess(Function success, Function failure)
Success function returns an Object like:
status: "connected",
authResponse: {
accessToken: "<long string>",
data_access_expiration_time: "1623680244",
expiresIn: "5183979",
userID: "634565435"
Failure function returns an error String.
For more information see: Facebook Documentation
Show a Dialog
facebookConnectPlugin.showDialog(Object options, Function success, Function failure)
Example options - Share Dialog:
method: "share",
href: "",
hashtag: '#myHashtag',
share_feedWeb: true, // iOS only
The default dialog mode is FBSDKShareDialogModeAutomatic
. You can share that by adding a specific dialog mode parameter. The available share dialog modes are: share_sheet
, share_feedBrowser
, share_native
and share_feedWeb
. Read more about share dialog modes
Share Photo Dialog:
method: "share",
photo_image: "/9j/4TIERXhpZgAATU0AKgAAAA..."
photo_image must be a Base64-encoded string, such as a value returned by cordova-plugin-camera or cordova-plugin-file. Note that you must provide only the Base64 data, so if you have a data URL returned by something like FileReader
that looks like "...", you should split on ";base64,", e.g. myDataUrl.split(';base64,')[1]
Here's a basic example using the camera plugin: {
method: 'share',
photo_image: dataUrl
}, function() {
console.log('share success');
}, function(e) {
console.log('share error', e);
}, function(e) {
console.log('camera error', e);
}, {
quality: 100,
sourceType: Camera.PictureSourceType.CAMERA,
destinationType: Camera.DestinationType.DATA_URL
Game request:
method: "apprequests",
message: "Come on man, check out my application.",
data: data,
title: title,
actionType: 'askfor',
filters: 'app_non_users'
Send Dialog:
method: "send",
link: ""
For options information see: Facebook share dialog documentation Facebook send dialog documentation
Success function returns an Object or from
and to
information when doing apprequest
Failure function returns an error String.
The Graph API
facebookConnectPlugin.api(String requestPath, Array permissions, String httpMethod, Function success, Function failure)
Allows access to the Facebook Graph API. This API allows for additional permission because, unlike login, the Graph API can accept multiple permissions.
Example permissions:
["public_profile", "user_birthday"]
is optional and defaults to "GET".
Success function returns an Object.
Failure function returns an error String.
Note: "In order to make calls to the Graph API on behalf of a user, the user has to be logged into your app using Facebook login, and you must include the access_token parameter in your requestPath. "
For more information see:
- Calling the Graph API -
- Graph Explorer -
- Graph API -
- Access Levels -
App events allow you to understand the makeup of users engaging with your app, measure the performance of your Facebook mobile app ads, and reach specific sets of your users with Facebook mobile app ads.
- [iOS]
- [Android]
- [JS] Does not have an Events API, so the plugin functions are empty and will return an automatic success
Activation events are automatically tracked for you in the plugin.
Events are listed on the insights page
Log an Event
logEvent(String name, Object params, Number valueToSum, Function success, Function failure)
- name, name of the event
- params, extra data to log with the event (is optional)
- valueToSum, a property which is an arbitrary number that can represent any value (e.g., a price or a quantity). When reported, all of the valueToSum properties will be summed together. For example, if 10 people each purchased one item that cost $10 (and passed in valueToSum) then they would be summed to report a number of $100. (is optional)
Log a Purchase
logPurchase(Number value, String currency, Object params, Function success, Function failure)
NOTE: Both value
and currency
are required. The currency specification is expected to be an ISO 4217 currency code. params
is optional.
Manually log activation events
activateApp(Function success, Function failure)
Data Processing Options
This plugin allows developers to set Data Processing Options as part of compliance with the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA).
setDataProcessingOptions(Array strings of options, String country, String state, Function success, Function failure)
To explicitly not enable Limited Data Use (LDU) mode, use:
facebookConnectPlugin.setDataProcessingOptions([], null, null, function() {
console.log('setDataProcessingOptions success');
}, function() {
console.error('setDataProcessingOptions failure');
To enable LDU with geolocation, use:
facebookConnectPlugin.setDataProcessingOptions(["LDU"], 0, 0, function() {
console.log('setDataProcessingOptions success');
}, function() {
console.error('setDataProcessingOptions failure');
To enable LDU for users and specify user geography, use:
facebookConnectPlugin.setDataProcessingOptions(["LDU"], 1, 1000, function() {
console.log('setDataProcessingOptions success');
}, function() {
console.error('setDataProcessingOptions failure');
For more information see: Facebook Documentation
Advanced Matching
With Advanced Matching, Facebook can match conversion events to your customers to optimize your ads and build larger re-marketing audiences.
setUserData(Object userData, Function success, Function failure)
- userData, an object containing the user data to use for matching
Example user data object:
"em": "", //email
"fn": "john", //first name
"ln": "smith", //last name
"ph", "16505554444", //phone number
"db": "19910526", //birthdate
"ge": "f", //gender
"ct": "menlopark", //city
"st": "ca", //state
"zp": "94025", //zip code
"cn": "us" //country
Success function indicates the user data has been set.
Failure function returns an error String.
clearUserData(Function success, Function failure)
Success function indicates the user data has been cleared.
Failure function returns an error String.
In your onDeviceReady
event add the following
var fbLoginSuccess = function (userData) {
console.log("UserInfo: ", userData);
facebookConnectPlugin.login(["public_profile"], fbLoginSuccess,
function loginError (error) {
Get Access Token
If you need the Facebook access token (for example, for validating the login on server side), do:
var fbLoginSuccess = function (userData) {
console.log("UserInfo: ", userData);
facebookConnectPlugin.getAccessToken(function(token) {
console.log("Token: " + token);
facebookConnectPlugin.login(["public_profile"], fbLoginSuccess,
function (error) {
Get Status and Post-to-wall
For a more instructive example change the above fbLoginSuccess
var fbLoginSuccess = function (userData) {
console.log("UserInfo: ", userData);
facebookConnectPlugin.getLoginStatus(false, function onLoginStatus (status) {
console.log("current status: ", status);
method: "share"
}, function onShareSuccess () {
Getting a User's Birthday
Using the graph api this is a very simple task:
facebookConnectPlugin.api("me/?fields=id,birthday&access_token=" + myAccessToken, ["user_birthday"],
function onSuccess (result) {
console.log("Result: ", result);
/* logs:
"id": "000000123456789",
"birthday": "01/01/1985"
}, function onError (error) {
console.error("Failed: ", error);
Hybrid Mobile App Events
Starting from Facebook SDK v4.34 for both iOS and Android, there is a new way of converting pixel events into mobile app events. For more information:
In order to enable this feature in your Cordova app, please set the FACEBOOK_HYBRID_APP_EVENTS variable to "true" (default is false):
$ cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-fbsdk --save --variable APP_ID="123456789" --variable APP_NAME="myApplication" --variable CLIENT_TOKEN="abcd1234" --variable FACEBOOK_HYBRID_APP_EVENTS="true"
Please check this repo for an example app using this feature.
GDPR Compliance
This plugin supports Facebook's GDPR Compliance Delaying Automatic Event Collection.
In order to enable this feature in your Cordova app, please set the FACEBOOK_AUTO_LOG_APP_EVENTS variable to "false" (default is true).
$ cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-fbsdk --save --variable APP_ID="123456789" --variable APP_NAME="myApplication" --variable CLIENT_TOKEN="abcd1234" --variable FACEBOOK_AUTO_LOG_APP_EVENTS="false"
Then, re-enable auto-logging after an end User provides consent by calling the setAutoLogAppEventsEnabled
method and set it to true.
facebookConnectPlugin.setAutoLogAppEventsEnabled(true, function() {
console.log('setAutoLogAppEventsEnabled success');
}, function() {
console.error('setAutoLogAppEventsEnabled failure');
Collection of Advertiser IDs
To disable collection of advertiser-id
, please set the FACEBOOK_ADVERTISER_ID_COLLECTION variable to "false" (default is true).
$ cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-fbsdk --save --variable APP_ID="123456789" --variable APP_NAME="myApplication" --variable CLIENT_TOKEN="abcd1234" --variable FACEBOOK_ADVERTISER_ID_COLLECTION="false"
Then, re-enable collection by calling the setAdvertiserIDCollectionEnabled
method and set it to true.
facebookConnectPlugin.setAdvertiserIDCollectionEnabled(true, function() {
console.log('setAdvertiserIDCollectionEnabled success');
}, function() {
console.error('setAdvertiserIDCollectionEnabled failure');
Advertiser Tracking Enabled (iOS Only)
To enable advertiser tracking, call the setAdvertiserTrackingEnabled
facebookConnectPlugin.setAdvertiserTrackingEnabled(true, function() {
console.log('setAdvertiserTrackingEnabled success');
}, function() {
console.error('setAdvertiserTrackingEnabled failure');
See the Facebook Developer documentation for more details.
App Ads and Deep Links
getDeferredApplink(Function success, Function failure)
Success function returns the deep link if one is defined.
Failure function returns an error String.
Note that on iOS, you must use a plugin such as cordova-plugin-idfa to first request tracking permission from the user, then call the setAdvertiserTrackingEnabled
method to enable advertiser tracking. Attempting to call getDeferredApplink
without doing so will result in an empty string being returned.
cordova.plugins.idfa.requestPermission().then(function() {
facebookConnectPlugin.getDeferredApplink(function(url) {
console.log('url = ' + url);
See the Facebook Developer documentation for more details.
URL Suffixes for Multiple Apps
When using the same Facebook app with multiple iOS apps, use the FACEBOOK_URL_SCHEME_SUFFIX variable to set a unique URL Suffix for each app. This ensures that Facebook redirects back to the correct app after closing the login window.
$ cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-fbsdk --save --variable APP_ID="123456789" --variable APP_NAME="myApplication" --variable CLIENT_TOKEN="abcd1234" --variable FACEBOOK_URL_SCHEME_SUFFIX="mysecondapp"