ClickPay Cordova Plugin
Cordova ClickPay Plugin
Cordova ClickPay Plugin is a wrapper for the native ClickPay Android and iOS SDKs, It helps you integrate with ClickPay payment gateway.
Plugin Support:
- [x] iOS
- [x] Android
$ cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-clickpay
Android - Prerequisites
and set the flags useAndroidX and enableJetifier with true.
Pay with Card
- Configure the billing & shipping info, the shipping info is optional
let billingDetails = new cordova.plugins.CordovaPaymentPlugin.PaymentSDKBillingDetails(name= "John Smith",
email= "[email protected]",
phone= "9661111111",
addressLine= "address line",
city= "Riyadh",
state= "Riyadh",
countryCode= "sa", // ISO alpha 2
zip= "1234")
let shippingDetails = new cordova.plugins.CordovaPaymentPlugin. PaymentSDKShippingDetails(name= "John Smith",
email= "[email protected]",
phone= "96611111111",
addressLine= "address line",
city= "Riyadh",
state= "Riyadh",
countryCode= "sa", // ISO alpha 2
zip= "1234")
- Create object of
and fill it with your credentials and payment details.
let configuration = new cordova.plugins.CordovaPaymentPlugin.PaymentSDKConfiguration();
configuration.profileID = "*your profile id*"
configuration.serverKey= "*server key*"
configuration.clientKey = "*client key*"
configuration.cartID = "545454"
configuration.currency = "SAR"
configuration.cartDescription = "Flowers"
configuration.merchantCountryCode = "sa"
configuration.merchantName = "Flowers Store"
configuration.amount = 20
configuration.screenTitle = "Pay with Card"
configuration.billingDetails = billingDetails
configuration.forceShippingInfo = false
Options to show billing and shipping info
configuration.showBillingInfo = true
configuration.showShippingInfo = true
- Start payment by calling
method and handle the transaction details
cordova.plugins.CordovaPaymentPlugin.startCardPayment(configuration, function (result) {
if (result["status"] == "success") {
// Handle transaction details here.
var transactionDetails = result["data"];
console.log("responseCode:" + transactionDetails.paymentResult.responseCode)
console.log("transactionTime:" + transactionDetails.paymentResult.transactionTime)
console.log("responseMessage:" + transactionDetails.paymentResult.responseMessage)
console.log("transactionReference:" + transactionDetails.transactionReference)
console.log("token:" + transactionDetails.token)
} else if (result["status"] == "error") {
// Handle error here the code and message.
} else if (result["status"] == "event") {
// Handle events here.
}, function (error) {
Pay with Apple Pay
Follow the guide Steps to configure Apple Pay to learn how to configure ApplePay with ClickPay.
Do the steps 1 and 2 from Pay with Card although you can ignore Billing & Shipping details and Apple Pay will handle it, also you must pass the merchant name and merchant identifier.
configuration.merchantApplePayIdentifier = "com.merchant.bundleid"
- To simplify ApplePay validation on all user's billing info, pass simplifyApplePayValidation parameter in the configuration with true.
configuration.simplifyApplePayValidation = true
- Call
to start payment
cordova.plugins.CordovaPaymentPlugin.startApplePayPayment(configuration, function (result) {
if (result["status"] == "success") {
// Handle transaction details here.
var transactionDetails = result["data"];
console.log("responseCode:" + transactionDetails.paymentResult.responseCode)
console.log("transactionTime:" + transactionDetails.paymentResult.transactionTime)
console.log("responseMessage:" + transactionDetails.paymentResult.responseMessage)
console.log("transactionReference:" + transactionDetails.transactionReference)
console.log("token:" + transactionDetails.token)
} else if (result["status"] == "error") {
// Handle error here the code and message.
} else if (result["status"] == "event") {
// Handle events here.
}, function (error) {
Pay with Samsung Pay
Pass Samsung Pay token to the configuration and call startCardPayment
configuration.samsungToken = "token"
Pay with Alternative Payment Methods
It becomes easy to integrate with other payment methods in your region like STCPay, OmanNet, KNet, Valu, Fawry, UnionPay, and Meeza, to serve a large sector of customers.
Do the steps 1 and 2 from Pay with Card.
Choose one or more of the payment methods you want to support.
configuration.alternativePaymentMethods = [AlternativePaymentMethod.stcPay]
- Start payment by calling
method and handle the transaction details
cordova.plugins.CordovaPaymentPlugin.startAlternativePaymentMethod(configuration, function (result) {
if (result["status"] == "success") {
// Handle transaction details here.
var transactionDetails = result["data"];
console.log("responseCode:" + transactionDetails.paymentResult.responseCode)
console.log("transactionTime:" + transactionDetails.paymentResult.transactionTime)
console.log("responseMessage:" + transactionDetails.paymentResult.responseMessage)
console.log("transactionReference:" + transactionDetails.transactionReference)
console.log("token:" + transactionDetails.token)
} else if (result["status"] == "error") {
// Handle error here the code and message.
} else if (result["status"] == "event") {
// Handle events here.
}, function (error) {
Those enums will help you in customizing your configuration.
- Tokenise types
The default type is none
exports.TokeniseType = Object.freeze({
"none":"none", // tokenise is off
"merchantMandatory":"merchantMandatory", // tokenise is forced
"userMandatory":"userMandatory", // tokenise is forced as per user approval
"userOptinoal":"userOptional" // tokenise if optional as per user approval
configuration.tokeniseType = cordova.plugins.CordovaPaymentPlugin.TokeniseType.userOptinoal
- Token formats
The default format is hex32
exports.TokeniseFromat = Object.freeze({"none":"1",
"hex32": "2",
"alphaNum20": "3",
"digit22": "3",
"digit16": "5",
"alphaNum32": "6"
configuration.tokeniseFormat = cordova.plugins.CordovaPaymentPlugin.TokeniseFromat.hex32
- Transaction types
The default type is sale
const TransactionType = Object.freeze({"sale":"sale",
"authorize": "auth"});
configuration.transactionType =
- Alternative payment methods
AlternativePaymentMethod = Object.freeze({"unionPay":"unionpay",
"valu": "valu",
"meezaQR": "meezaqr",
"omannet": "omannet",
"knetCredit": "knetcredit",
"knetDebit": "knetdebit",
"fawry": "fawry"});
configuration.alternativePaymentMethods = [cordova.plugins.CordovaPaymentPlugin.AlternativePaymentMethod.stcPay, ...]
Demo application
Check our complete sample.