show ads in your cordova app
ads plugin for cordova, aggregates multiple networks. Only supports banner ad format.
Now adgap supports the following networks:
- Facebook Audience Network
- Mopub
- Admob
- mMedia
- InMobi
First, add the plugin to your cordova project:
cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-adgap --save
Since mMedia requires minSDKVer to be GE 16, if you get build error, then add the following to your config.xml
<platform name="android">
<preference name="android-minSdkVersion" value="16" /> <------ add this
<allow-intent href="market:*" />
Show banner ads
Then, write code to show ads, after cordova is ready, call configBanner
and start the banner logic in the successCallback:
reloadSec: 26,
networks: {
fban: { name: 'fban', pid: 'YOUR_FBAN_PLACEMENT_ID', weight: 100, reloadSec: 25 },
admob: { name: 'admob', pid: 'YOUR_ADMOB_PLACEMENT_ID', weight: 100, reloadSec: 25 },
mopub: { name: 'mopub', pid: 'YOUR_MOPUD_PLACEMENT_ID', weight: 100, reloadSec: 25 },
mm: { name: 'mm', pid: 'YOUR_MMEDIA_PLACEMENT_ID', weight: 100, reloadSec: 25 },
inmobi: { name: 'inmobi', pid: 'YOUR_INMOBI_PLACEMENT_ID', acctid: 'YOUR_INMOBI_ACCOUNT_ID', weight: 100, reloadSec: 25 },
}, function () { // successCallback
The plugin will auto reload banner every X seconds, so when you create placement at network, don't enable auto reload.
When the banner is loaded, or fail to load, events will be published and you can subscribe them:
window.addEventListener('adgap_event', function (adsEvent) {
// HERE, cannot use JSON.stringify on the info, Event is created by cordova, and cannot be serialized.
// adsEvent contains ads_type, network_name, event_name, event_detail
// ads_type = banner
// network_name = fban
// event_name = LOAD_OK | LOAD_ERROR | CLICKED
// event_detail = when error happens, error code like '1001'
}, false);
If you want to pause the banner loop for a while, let it stop loading new ads for some time, you can:
adgap.snoozeBanner(15000) // will pause the banner loop for 15000 ms
Send broadcast
{ extraName1: 'extraValue1', extraName2: 'extraValue2' })
Get ads info
function (info) {
// now get info.adsid and info.adslimittracking
function (error) {
Check if a package is installed or not:
intenthelper.checkPackage('com.awesome.pkg', function (installed) {
// installed is boolean