Command line tools to help deploy Cordova applications to users
Command line tools to help deploy your Cordova application to your users.
npm install -g cordova-deploy
Application Config
Ensure you have your Cordova config.xml file in the same directory where you run the cordova-deploy
Building & Deploying to HockeyApp
First ensure you have a HockeyApp account with an active App ID (one for each platform, android/iOS) and an active API Key.
You can specify the api key, ios app id, and android app id from the command line with their proper parameters.
To build and deploy the cordova iOS application to HockeyApp, run the following command in your shell with the following parameters:
cordova-deploy --build --ios --hockey --apikey some_api_key --iosid some_ios_app_id
There is a second option, in the root level of your project, add a file named hockey.json that looks something like this:
"api_key": "some_api_key",
"android_app_id": "some_android_app_id",
"ios_app_id": "some_ios_app_id"
NOTE: you may want to add the hockey.json file to your .gitignore as to avoid making it public.
Then your command to build and deploy looks more like this:
cordova-deploy --build --ios --hockey
Building & Deploying to TestFlight (iOS Only)
First ensure you have a TestFlight account with an active API Token and Team Token.
You can specify the API Token and Team Token from the command line:
To build and deploy the cordova iOS application to TestFlight, run the following command in your shell with the following parameters:
cordova-deploy --build --ios --testflight --apitoken some_api_token --teamtoken some_team_token
There is a second option, in the root level of your project, add a file named testflight.json that looks something like this:
"api_token": "some_api_token",
"team_token": "some_team_token"
NOTE: you may want to add the testflight.json file to your .gitignore as to avoid making it public.
Then your command to build and deploy looks more like this:
cordova-deploy --build --ios --testflight
Additional Information
This project was inspired by Mattt Thompson's Nomad-CLI tools for iOS. I wanted a flavor that I could use for my Cordova projects and give me flexibility to go to TestFlight, HockeyApp, and other destinations in the future.