Coq language server protocol client implementation
Coq-lsp client implementation in typescript.
Package provides a partially implemented client for the coq-lsp server, as well as a wrapper around the client, that provides a useful interface for interacting with the server.
How to use:
import { ProofView } from "coqlspclient";
// Create an instance of a coq-lsp client and initialize it.
const rootPath = path.join(__dirname, 'resources');
const filePath = path.join(__dirname, 'resources', 'test1.v');
const proofView = await ProofView.init(
// Get a list of theorems in the file.
const thrs = proofView.allTheoremNames();
// Get a theorem by name.
const thr = await proofView.getTheoremByName("test_thr2");
// It returns a `Theorem` object, which contains the theorem's
// statement as present in the file, as well as its proof,
// augmented with the information about the proof steps. E.g.
// the hyps and the conclusion of the focused goal at each step.
// Get proofs of all the theorems in the file.
const theorems = await proofView.parseFile();
// Does the same as:
const theorems = await Promise.all( => proofView.getTheoremByName(thr)));
// but with better performance.
// Try to check the proof for a given theorem.
// preceding_context is a string containing the context preceding
// the proof. If you want to check the proof in top of the file,
// which ProofView was initialized with, then pass
// preceding_context = '\n'.join(pv.lines)
const precedingContext = "";
const thrStatement = "Theorem plus_O_n'' : forall n:nat, 0 + n = n.";
const proof = "Proof. Admitted.";
const res = await proofView.checkProof(thrStatement, proof, precedingContext);
// Close the connection to the server.
Install requirements
npm install
Run the tests
npm run test