A router based on the hapijs call module targeted at the browser
A router for client-side (browser) JS applications.
- implements the routing strategy from HapiJS (uses call under the covers)
- emits events instead of calling callbacks of function handlers when a route is hit
- supports using the url hash or the HTML5 history API
This module makes use of a Makefile
for building/testing purposes. After obtaining a copy of the repo, run the following commands to make sure everything is in working condition before you start your work:
make install
make test
Before committing a change to your fork/branch, run the following commands to make sure nothing is broken:
make test
make test-cov
Don't forget to bump the version in the package.json
using the semver spec as a guide for which part to bump. Submit a pull request when your work is complete.
- Please do your best to ensure the code coverage does not drop. If new unit tests are required to maintain the same level of coverage, please include those in your pull request.
- Please follow the same coding/formatting practices that have been established in the module.
npm install coordinate
This module assumes that you are using browserify to bundle your client-side code.
To use the router, require it in and initialize it like so:
var router = require('coordinate').getInstance(),
routes = [ '/', '/users', '/users/{userId}' ];
router.on('change', function(data) {
console.log(data.route); // the string route that was hit
console.log(data.path); // the raw path
console.log(data.queryString); // the raw query string is on the url
console.log(data.queryPath); // the parsed query string object
console.log(data.params); // an object that contains any path parameters
console.log(data.context); // context data that was passed to the router.go method
console.log(data.history); // an Array of strings that contain the past paths that were navigated to
router.initialize({ routes: routes });
The following methods are available on the router
Initializes the routes. This method must be called before any of the other methods.
An object that contains the information needed to configure the router.
A collection of valid routes.
The root path that all routes are appended to. For example, if the root is set to '/api', and there is a route '/users', then the expected full path would either be '/api/users' or '/api/#/users' depending on whether it is using the URL hash or HTML5 history API.
Defaults to '/'
A flag that denotes whether the provided route paths should be considered case sensitive or not.
Defaults to false
A flag that denotes whether or not to use the hash for route paths, or to use the HTML5 history API.
Defaults to false
go(path:String, context:Object)
Looks up the route associated to the path, changes the hash or url in the browser, and emits a change event with the route that was hit, the path parameters, the query string values, the context that was passed, and an array of the history of previous paths hit.
The MIT License (MIT)