Frontend components for Coop branded apps and websites
Coop Trolley
This document is a work in progress.
The Coop Trolley supply internal and external partners with Coop agnostic frontend tools to speed up development and improve reusability.
The packages of this repo are available as npm modules and should be installed from there. Packages can be included as React components or stylesheets only. More info on this to come...
Running locally with Storybook
See components examples with Storybook and develop locally. Download this repo and install Storybook cli tools and gulp cli
Then run
npm i
npm run start
Include fonts:
Standard: 'MarkOT', 'Open Sans', sans-serif
Display: 'Soho Std', 'Roboto Slab', sans-serif
Assumes use with Webpack on the receiving end that minifys etc. for production.
Coop has two primary web application types - SPA and CMS solutions - which need two separate strategies.
General notes
- Use React for advanced JavaScript views
- No jQuery (Todo: remove jQuery)
- Use ES6/7 when writing JavaScript (Babel)
- Use BEM syntax for CSS class names
- Use SCSS for compiling CSS
Single Page App (SPA)
- Build SPA's with React.
- Base projects on Create React App and avoid ejecting.
- Styling through JavaScript (Todo: consider inline alternatives)
- Use "container with dump components" pattern
- Stateless components when possible
- Redux for state management
- Redux-Saga for side effects
- Use es6 spread syntax to shortcut props
Component structure:
- Imports
- Component
- Private helpers
- Styles
- Export default
import React from 'react'
import Radium from 'radium'
const MyComponent = ({ someVariable }) => (
<div style={styles.wrap}>
const calcSomething = someVariable => {
return calculatedVariable
const styles = {
someStyle: 0
export default Radium(MyComponent)
CMS solutions
Frontend implementation in backend rendered applications is CMS agnostic though most Coop solution run on Umbraco.
Write CSS in SASS and follow the BEM naming convention.
Use Webpack to compile assets. Configs will come later.
To keep stylesheets searchable and skimmable avoid nesting and don't prefix elements and modifiers with ampersands in SASS:
// bad
.my-block {
&__my-element {
color: red;
&--my-modifier {
color: green;
// Good
.my-block__my-element {
color: red;
.my-block--my-modifier {
color: green;
Exceptions: pseudo classes and context versions should be nested
.my-block {
&:hover {
color: yellow;
.my-special-context-block {
.my-block {
color: blue;
To do
- Linting strategies
- Testing strategies
- Refactor code according to styleguide - especially external deliveries