A discord.js framework, making it easy to create commands and events, saving you the time of having to make a handler
A discord.js framework, making it easy to create commands and events, saving you the time of having to make a handler. You can view the example code here
Yes the code of this is very messy it was kinda rushed
Creating the client
Name | Type | Required | Description
------------ | ------------- | ------------ | ------------
prefix | String | true
| The prefix used at the start of commands
token | String | true
| The bots/users token of the account used to authenticate
ownerId | String | false
| The ID of the bots owner (not required if a selfbot)
selfbot | Boolean | false
| Is the bot a selfbot or normal bot
eventsPath | String | true
| The directory path for the event files
inhibitorsPath | String | true
| The directory path for the inhibitor files
commandsPath | String | true
| The directory path for the command files
const { Client } = require('coolcaedFramework');
const path = require('path');
const client = new Client({
token: 'super-secret-token-here', // Token of the bot
prefix: "!", // Prefix for bot commands
selfbot: false, // Is the bot a selfbot or not
ownerId: '199248578122612736', // Owner's id of the bot (can be empty if a selfbot)
commandsPath: path.join(__dirname, 'commands'), // Path of the commands directory
eventsPath: path.join(__dirname, 'events'), // Path of the events directory
inhibitorsPath: path.join(__dirname, 'inhibitors') // Path of the events directory
Creating an command
These commands will be executed by the prefix set on Client.prefix followed by the command name or one of the aliases
Name | Type | Required | Description
------------ | ------------- | ------------ | ------------
name | String | true
| Name of the command
description | String | false
| Description of the command (what it does etc)
aliases | Array | false
| Command aliases (other triggers of the command)
guildOnly | Bolean | false
| Should the command only be allowed in guilds only?
category | String | false
| The category the command is in
cooldown | Integer | false
| Time a user should wait before doing the command again (in seconds)
inhibitors | Array | false
| Inhibitors that should be ran before calling the commands run function
const { Command } = require('coolcaedFramework');
module.exports = class extends Command {
constructor(...args) {
super(...args, {
enabled: true,
name: 'ping',
description: 'Ping pong',
category: 'General',
guildOnly: true,
cooldown: 3,
aliases: ['pong'],
inhibitors: ["isDev"]
run(msg, args) {'Pong');
Creating an event
The code will be triggered when ever an event is emitted by discord.js
Name | Type | Required | Description
------------ | ------------- | ------------ | ------------
event | String | true
| Name of the event
once | Boolean | false
| Should the event be ran once
const { Event } = require('coolcaedFramework');
module.exports = class extends Event {
constructor(...args) {
super(...args, {
event: 'ready',
once: true
run() {
console.log(`Logged in as ${this.client.user.tag}`);
Creating an inhibitor
These are ran before the commands run function gets called, the name of the inhibitor should be passed into the Command.inhibitors array
name | Type | Required | Description
------------ | ------------- | ------------ | ------------
name | String | true
| Name of the inhibitor
const { Inhibitor } = require('coolcaedFramework');
module.exports = class extends Inhibitor {
constructor(...args) {
super(...args, {
enabled: true,
name: 'isDev'
run(msg, cmd) {
if (! === this.client.ownerId) throw "You're not a developer";
If you find any bugs or errors in this code, please contact me on discord: Caed#0024