[Convex]( is the typesafe backend-as-a-service with realtime updates, server functions, crons and scheduled jobs, file storage, vector search, and more.
Convex is the typesafe backend-as-a-service with realtime updates, server functions, crons and scheduled jobs, file storage, vector search, and more.
Receive live updates to Convex query subscriptions and call mutations and actions from Svelte with convex-svelte
To install:
npm install convex convex-svelte
Run npx convex init
to get started with Convex.
See the example app live.
provides a setupConvex()
function which takes a Convex deployment URL,
a useConvexClient()
which returns a ConvexClient
used to set authentication credentials and run Convex mutations and actions,
and a useQuery()
function for subscribing to Convex queries.
Call setupConvex()
in a component above the components that need to Convex queries
and use useQuery()
components where you need to listen to the query.
See +layout.svelte for setupConvex()
import { PUBLIC_CONVEX_URL } from '$env/static/public';
and Chat.svelte for how to use useQuery()
const query = useQuery(api.messages.list, () => ({ muteWords }), {
useResultFromPreviousArguments: true
{#if query.isLoading}
{:else if query.error != null}
failed to load: {query.error.toString()}
{#each as message}
Running a mutation looks like
const client = useConvexClient();
let toSend = $state('');
let author = $state('me');
function onSubmit(e: SubmitEvent) {
const data = Object.fromEntries(new FormData( as HTMLFormElement).entries());
client.mutation(api.messages.send, {
author: as string,
body: data.body as string
<form on:submit|preventDefault={onSubmit}>
<input type="text" id="author" name="author" />
<input type="text" id="body" name="body" bind:value={toSend} />
<button type="submit" disabled={!toSend}>Send</button>
Deploying a Svelte App
In production build pipelines use the build command
npx convex deploy --cmd-url-env-var-name PUBLIC_CONVEX_URL --cmd 'npm run build'
to build your Svelte app and deploy Convex functions.
Trying out this library
Clone this repo and install dependencies with npm install
then start a development server:
npm run dev
This will run you through creating a Convex account and a deployment.
Everything inside src/lib
is part of the library, everything inside src/routes
is an example app.
Developing this library
To build the library:
npm run package
To create a production version of the showcase app:
npm run build
You can preview the production build with npm run preview
To deploy your app, you may need to install an adapter for your target environment.
Go into the package.json
and give your package the desired name through the "name"
option. Also consider adding a "license"
field and point it to a LICENSE
file which you can create from a template (one popular option is the MIT license).
To publish your library to npm:
npm publish