This is a npm package to convert JSON object format to CSV format with dynamic keys from the JSON object. You do not need to define the CSV format to convert.
Convert JSON into CSV
___ _________ __________ _____ ___
/\ \ /\ _____\ /\ ____ \ /\ \ /\ \
\ \ \ \ \ \____/ \ \ \__/\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \
\ \ \ \ \ \_______ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \\ \\ \ \
__ \ \ \ \ \_______ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \
/\ \ \ \ \ \/______/\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \\ \ \\ \
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\ \_________\ /\_________\ \ \_________\ \ \__\ \ \____\
\/_________/ \/_________/ \/_________/ \/__/ \/____/
____________ __________
/\____ ____\ /\ ____ \
\/___/\ \___/ \ \ \__/\ \
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\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \
\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \
\ \ \ \ \ \_\_\ \
\ \__\ \ \_________\
\/__/ \/_________/
_________ _________ ___ ___
/\ _____\ /\ _____\ /\ \ /\ \
\ \ \____/ \ \ \____/ \ \ \ \ \ \
\ \ \ \ \ \_______ \ \ \ \ \ \
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\ \________\ /\_________\ \ \____/
\/________/ \/_________/ \/___/
It is a npm package with a function which receives a JSON
object as a parameter and returns a CSV
data to show in tabular form.
New Features
:white_check_mark: Custom key separator :boom: :white_check_mark: Custom text delimiter and text separator :boom:
Setup process
npm install convert-json-into-csv --save
Function Parameters
- JSON object [Object:Required] :- a JSON object which you want to convert to csv.
- Key Separator [String:Optional] :- a symbol to separate the JSON key names of parent and child object. Default value is
. - Delimeter [String:Optional] :- a symbol to wrap the CSV value. Default value is
. - Value Separator [String:Optional] :- a symbol to separate the diffent values of CSV. Default value is
Use Method
Example 1 :
import JsonToCsv from 'convert-json-into-csv'; //ES6
const JsonToCsv = require('convert-json-into-csv'); //ES5
let csv = ``;
let json = {
name: 'Saimon Thada Magar',
company: 'ChicMic, Mohali, India',
profession: 'Software Engineer',
address: {
city: 'Khoptar -4, Rampur',
country: 'Nepal'
csv = JsonToCsv(json);
Output (return value):
"Saimon Thada Magar","ChicMic, Mohali, India","Software Engineer","Khoptar -4, Rampur","Nepal"
CSV Tabular View:
name | company | profession | address_city | address_country ---- | ------- | ---------- | ------------ | --------------- Saimon Thada Magar | ChicMic, Mohali, India | Software Engineer | Khoptar -4, Rampur | Nepal
Example 2 :
import JsonToCsv from 'convert-json-into-csv'; //ES6
const JsonToCsv = require('convert-json-into-csv'); //ES5
let csv = ``;
let json = {
name: 'Saimon Thada Magar',
company: 'ChicMic, Mohali, India',
profession: 'Software Engineer',
address: {
city: 'Khoptar -4, Rampur',
country: 'Nepal'
hobbies: ['Programming','Music','Sports']
csv = JsonToCsv(json,'-',"'",'.');
Output (return value):
'Saimon Thada Magar'.'ChicMic, Mohali, India'.'Software Engineer'.'Khoptar -4, Rampur'.'Nepal'.'Programming'
CSV Tabular View:
name | company | profession | address_city | address_country | hobbies ---- | ------- | ---------- | ------------ | --------------- |------ Saimon Thada Magar | ChicMic, Mohali, India | Software Engineer | Khoptar -4, Rampur | Nepal | Programming | | | | | | Music | | | | | | Sports
Upcoming new Features
:soon: Custom column names instead of joined JSON keys.