A circuit breaker with user defined context.
Modified from
const MongoClient = require('mongodb').MongoClient;
const breaker = new ContextCircuitBreaker({
contextBuilder: async () => await MongoClient.connect('mongodb://localhost:27017', { reconnectTries: 1 }),
contextCleaner: async (client) => client.close()
const command = async (client) => {
return await client.db('mydb').collection('mycollection').find({a: 1}).limit(2).toArray();
const fallback = async () => {
return [];
}, fallback).then((ret) => {
console.log(ret); // []
Create a new instance of a circuit breaker. Accepts the following config options:
contextBuilder() -> Promise
A function build the context and return Promise.resolve(context) or Promise.reject(err).
ContextCircuitBreaker will call this function when trying to transit HALF_OPEN state and keep the context for running command
contextCleaner(context) -> Promise
A function clean the context and return Promise.resolve() or Promise.reject(err).
ContextCircuitBreaker will call this function when transit to OPEN state.
nextTryTimeout() -> integer
A function return a integer as milliseconds.
ContextCircuitBreaker will call this function when failing to transit HALF_OPEN state to schedule the next try.
Default Value: function() { return 5000 }
Duration of statistical rolling window in milliseconds. This is how long metrics are kept for the circuit breaker to use and for publishing.
Default Value: 10000
Time in milliseconds after which a command will timeout.
Default Value: 300
Error percentage at which the circuit should trip open and start short-circuiting requests to fallback logic.
Default Value: 50
Minimum number of requests in rolling window needed before tripping the circuit will occur.
For example, if the value is 20, then if only 19 requests are received in the rolling window (say 10 seconds) the circuit will not trip open even if all 19 failed.
Default Value: 5
run(command, fallback)
the command
should be: function(context) -> Promise
the fallback
should be: function(err) -> Promise
this behavior is:
#run when state is CLOSE
✓ execute command(context)
✓ return Promise.resolve(command(context)) if command(context) succeeded
✓ return Promise.resolve(fallback(commandErr)) if command(context) returned Promise.reject(commandErr)
✓ return Promise.resolve(fallback(commandErr)) if command(context) throwed commandErr
✓ return Promise.resolve(fallback(timeoutErr)) if command(context) timeout
✓ return Promise.reject(commandErr) if no fallback provided and command(context) returned Promise.reject(commandErr)
✓ return Promise.reject(commandErr) if no fallback provided and command(context) throwed commandErr
✓ return Promise.reject(timeoutErr) if no fallback provided and command(context) timeout
✓ transit to OPEN if the failures of command(context) exceed the volumeThreshold and errorThreshold
#run when state is OPEN
✓ return Promise.resolve(fallback(openErr))
✓ return Promise.reject(openErr) if no fallback provided
Cleanup context by calling contextCleaner(context) and clear all timers and all event listeners.
State Machine Spec
given OPEN state
when receives command
then return fallback
when nextTry timeout reached
then try to run contextBuilder
given service is not connectable
then emit contextbuilderFailed
then remain state OPEN
then schedule nextTry timeout
given service connectable
then transit to HALF_OPEN
then emit stateChanged with HALF_OPEN
then emit contextbuilderSucceeded
given HALF_OPEN state
when receives the first command
then run command
given the first command succeeded
then return command result
then transit to CLOSE
then emit stateChanged with CLOSE
given the first command failed
then return fallback
then transit to OPEN
then emit stateChanged with OPEN
then schedule nextTry timeout
then run contextBuilderCleaner
given contextBuilderCleaner succeed
then emit contextBuilderCleanerSucceeded
given contextBuilderCleaner failed
then emit contextBuilderCleanerFailed
when receives following commands
then all return fallback
given CLOSE state
when receives command
then run command
given command succeed
then return command result
given command failed
then return fallback
given volumeThreshold not exceed
then remain CLOSE
given volumeThreshold exceed
given errorThreshold not exceed
then remain CLOSE
given errorThreshold exceeded
then transit to OPEN
then emit stateChanged with OPEN
then schedule nextTry timeout
then run contextBuilderCleaner
given contextBuilderCleaner succeed
then emit contextBuilderCleanerSucceeded
given contextBuilderCleaner failed
then emit contextBuilderCleanerFailed