Easy template generator to manage and save templates by key and languagecode.
Content-Generator is a module to handle different contents in a mongo-db.
Connection to MongoDB
This module use the mongodb-handler as sub-modul. To connect mongo-db please set follow ENV variables:
- MDBHANDLER_CONSTRING: Defines the connectionstring to the database. Default is: 'mongodb://localhost:27017/mdbtest';
The module will store and handle all templates in collection CM_Templates
. You can define your own Collection-Name with follow ENV Variable:
- CTM_COLLECTION: Defines the name of the collection
Template Engine
This module use the great template engine where powered by mozilla.
You find the API Description here
PDF generator
- HTML_PDF_OPTIONS: Defines the options for HTML-PDF
Usage Templatemanagement
Global Properties
This Template Manager is based in combination with the variables key
and lang
. All variables free to declare as string.
- key: Defines the global key of a template
- lang: Defines the language in combination to the key properties.
Create a template
To Create a new template use the function createTemplate
const ctg = require('content-generator');
const obj = { html: '<div>Test</div>', lang: 'en_GB', subject: 'Test', key: 'TESTTEMPLATE' };
ctg.createTemplate(obj, (err) => {
if (err) {
throw err;
Update a template
To update a template use the funciton updateTemplate
const ctg = require('content-generator');
const obj = { html: '<div>Test</div>', lang: 'en_GB', subject: 'Test', key: 'TESTTEMPLATE' };
ctg.updateTemplate(obj, (err) => {
if (err) {
throw err;
Delete a template
To delete a template use the function deleteTemplate
const ctg = require('content-generator');
const obj = { lang: 'en_GB', key: 'TESTTEMPLATE' };
ctg.deleteTemplate(obj, (err) => {
if (err) {
throw err;
Get a template
To get a template use the function getTemplate
const ctg = require('content-generator');
const obj = { lang: 'en_GB', key: 'TESTTEMPLATE' };
ctg.getTemplate(obj, (err, template) => {
if (err) {
throw err;
Get a Templateslist by key
To get a templatelist by key use the function getTemplatesByKey
const ctg = require('content-generator');
ctg.getTemplate('TESTTEMPLATE', (err, templates) => {
if (err) {
throw err;
Get all templates from system
To get all templates from the system use the function getTemplatesList
const ctg = require('content-generator');
ctg.getTemplatesList((err, templates) => {
if (err) {
throw err;
Usage Content Generator
Generate a html Content
This module will merge the variables from a JSON Object into the html-content:
name: {
firstname: "Martin",
lastname: "Wiesmüller"
address: {
line1: "Werbas Innotec GmbH",
line2: "Max-Eyth-Str. 42, 71088 Holzgerlingen"
<div>Name: {{ name.firstname }}</div>
<div>Lastname: {{ name.lastname }}</div>
<div>Adressline 1: {{ address.line1 }}</div>
<div>Adressline 2: {{ address.line2 }}</div>
TO =>
<div>Name: Martin</div>
<div>Lastname: Wiesmüller</div>
<div>Adressline 1: Werbas Innotec GmbH"</div>
<div>Adressline 2: Max-Eyth-Str. 42, 71088 Holzgerlingen</div>
Usage in Syntax:
const ctg = require('content-generator');
ctg.generateHtml(json, 'TESTTEMPLATE', 'en_GB', (err, res) => {
if (err) {
throw err;
// Output the html Content
// Output the content as plain text
Generate a PDF stream
To generate a PDF Stream use the function generatePdf
const ctg = require('content-generator');
ctg.generatePdf(json, 'TESTTEMPLATE', 'en_GB', (err, res) => {
if (err) {
throw err;
// Output the html Content
// Output the content as plain text
// Output the content as pdf stream'./foo.pdf'));