A CLI bicycle-themed word guess game.
Welcome to Constructor Word Guess
Constructor Word Guess is a colorful CLI-based, bicycle-themed word guessing game.
Getting Started
To install on your local machine, run the following in your terminal:
$ npm install constructor-word-guess
Create a .js file and use the following
Game Play
Users will first be greeted with an option to play a new game or exit the game.
Upon selecting "New Game" users will start a new game and can begin guessing letters.
Users may only enter one lowercase letter. If a user enters numbers, special characters, uppercase letters or multiple letters they will see an error message instructing them of their mistake.
When a user guesses all the letters of a word correctly, they will be notified that they have one and will be asked if they want to start a new game or exit.
Should a user make 10 mistakes when guessing letters, they will lose the game and be offered the opportunity to either start a new game or exit.
Exiting the game will take the user back to the terminal.