## Testing In order to run tests (`npm run test`) which is also the preferred way of further developing the library (write test and make sure that it passes) you need to first have a local solid community server running, and you need to get credentials th
In order to run tests (npm run test
) which is also the preferred way of further developing the library (write test and make sure that it passes) you need to first have a local solid community server running, and you need to get credentials that you copy-paste to the credentials.js
Run local Solid Community server
npm install -g @solid/community-server
- register new account
- Now you have a new WebId (eg. http://localhost:3000/test/profile/card#me)
Get session token
This is needed for running the tests.
npx @inrupt/generate-oidc-token
- Choose
My Solid Identity provider is not on the list
and typehttp://localhost:3000/
- Choose
("Has your app been pre-registered by the administrator of the Pod server you are signing in to?) - Type name of the app (
) - Open link in browser (eg. http://localhost:3000/idp/auth?client_id=NFJUCr4Yc0ohwMetVisSB&scope=openid%20offline_access%20webid&response_type=code&redirect_uri=http%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A3001%2F&code_challenge=nOIZMSXw0u0OL9GJg7hJMVN09gn05xsM_nxlhfkH6rU&state=7eTv9ZA1rPwx2CH1CrTJqIAVafbc95lZOyxpaZ3_1BM&code_challenge_method=S256&prompt=consent) and login
- You shouls now receive credentials like below
"refreshToken" : "BB",
"clientId" : "AA",
"clientSecret" : "XX",
"oidcIssuer" : "http://localhost:3000/",
Run the demo
Another option for development is to run the demo app and test functionality there. This small web app is based on Angular.
When running the demo you do not need to do the get session token step. Simply login using the button.
cd demo
npm install
ng serve
- http://localhost:4200
Build and deploy
Building the library is handled with the npm run build
command. This generates the lib
folder and its content. We build ESM and UMD bundles that can be directly included in an HTML document. Furthermore, we build a CommonJS and an ESM version.
Bundles are build using the configuration in rollup.config.js
Use with Angular
npm i --save consolid-api
npm i --save-dev @types/node
- Add to tsconfig.json:
"angularCompilerOptions": { ... "types" : ["node"] }
- Add to package.json
"browser": { "buffer": false }