CLI to automate Connectif data export uploading to Google Cloud Storage
A CLI that makes extremely easy automate export data from the Connectif Marketing Automation Platform and upload it to Google Cloud Storage.
Install the NodeJs runtime.
Now, from your favourite shell, install the CLI by typing the following command:
$ npm install -g connectif-2-gc-storage
Before run the CLI we must ensure we have all the credentials in place in order to access the Connectif API and the Google Cloud Platform:
- Connectif Api Key: get a Connectif Api Key with permission to write and read exports following the instructions that can be found here:
- Google Cloud Credentials: get a credential file from the Google Cloud Console with permission to write into your Google Cloud Storage account (see instruction here
The usage documentation can be found running the CLI with the help flag:
$ connectif-2-gc-storage --help
Usage: connectif-2-gc-storage [options] [command]
CLI to automate Connectif data export uploading to Google Cloud Storage
-V, --version output the version number
-h, --help display help for command
export-activities [options] export contacts activities.
export-contacts [options] export contacts.
export-data-explorer [options] export data explorer reports.
help [command] display help for command
To get documentation of each command use help. i.e.:
$ connectif-2-gc-storage help export-activities
Usage: connectif-2-gc-storage export-activities [options]
export contacts activities.
-k, --gcKeyFileName <path> Path to a .json, .pem, or .p12 Google Cloud key file (required).
-b, --gcBucketName <name> Google Cloud Storage bucket name (required).
-a, --connectifApiKey <apiKey> Connectif Api Key. export:read and export:write scopes are required (required).
-f, --fromDate <fromDate> filter activities export created after a given date (required).
-t, --toDate <toDate> filter activities export created before a given date (required).
-s, --segmentId <segmentId> filter the activities export of contacts in a given segment.
-y, --activityTypes <activityTypes> filter the activities export by activity types separated by comma (i.e.: purchase,login,register).
-h, --help display help for command
In case you want to run the CLI using docker you can with the following commands:
The below will print the version of the CLI:
docker run --rm francescorivola/connectif-2-gc-storage:latest
The below will run the CLI with the given options:
docker run --rm -v $(pwd)/key.json:/home/node/key.json francescorivola/connectif-2-gc-storage:latest \
export-activities \
--gcKeyFileName=./key.json \
--gcBucketName=$BUCKET_NAME \
--connectifApiKey=$CONNECTIF_API_KEY \
--fromDate=$FROM_DATE \
Use Case
An use case for this tool is to automate data analysis with Google Data Studio. Once the csv files are exported in Google Cloud Storage we can use it to feed Google Data Studio through its Google Cloud Storage Connector.
First Export/Import
We run a first time the CLI to export Connectif contacts activities of March.
$ connectif-2-gc-storage export-activities \
--gcKeyFileName ./key.json \
--gcBucketName $BUCKET_NAME \
--connectifApiKey $CONNECTIF_API_KEY \
--fromDate 2020-02-28T23:00:00.000Z \
--toDate 2020-03-31T22:00:00.000Z
Once done, we can check the result and we can see we have a csv file result under a folder export-activities in our bucket.
Connect GCS to Google Data Studio
First of all we add a new Google Cloud Storage Data Source.
Then we configure the connector checking the checkbox Use all files in path and we add the path composed by BUCKET_NAME/export-activities. Finally we click in the Connect button.
We configure our fields (for this example we just take the fields as come from the csv).
We start creating reports :).
Second Export/Import
Now that we have configured our Google Cloud Storage with Google Data Studio and we have created our report/s we can run the CLI to add more data. This time let's export contacts activities of April.
$ connectif-2-gc-storage export-activities \
--gcKeyFileName ./key.json \
--gcBucketName $BUCKET_NAME \
--connectifApiKey $CONNECTIF_API_KEY \
--fromDate 2020-03-31T22:00:00.000Z \
--toDate 2020-04-30T22:00:00.000Z
If we check the Google Cloud Storage Browser we will see 2 csv files under our export-activities folder, the previous one and the new one imported.
Now, let's go back to our report in Google Data Studio, click in the Refresh button and the report will automatically update adding the April month data :).
Happy Data Analysis!!