Connect 4 like games in rust
Bugs in web client
- Holding down the mouse will result in 60 clicks per second (about)
- Local AI moves are not shown as animated, as the delta is so long for the first frame, they hit the bottom
- Local AI doesn't render immediately when page loads
Refactoring Game Object
- Only do work when necessary (not continuously rendering)
- Make it easy to use with asycn functions (pass through callbacks or have an async handler or...)
- Separate the game component and the game object.
- game object (deals with the canvas directly)
- game component we throw into yew (wraps around game object)
- creates the canvas
- by default take 100% available space
- basically is just the canvas
- game screen which contains game component
User stories
- As a connect4 developer I would like a reusable component to display games
- display several canvases/games at once (different ids)
- screen that is nice for playing a game. (The entire screen for one canvas)
- not use all my CPU because we're rendering 60 times a second doing nothing (i.e. only re-render when things change)
- not to block the rendering when busy functions like the AI thinking, or network requests are happening
- be able to communicate with the network, but not fail for local games that are offline without a network.
- i.e. ai game should work without access to the broad internet
- game should be configurable so the component we make, the game description can be passed as props
- props:
- game id
- game object
- whether or not it is an active game, or an image of a game. (so a user can preview an in-progress game, and game history)
- props:
- loading spinner when waiting for user input