Mastercard Open Banking Connect Web SDK
Mastercard Open Banking Connect Web SDK
The Mastercard Open Banking Connect Web SDK provides an easy way for developers to integrate Mastercard Open Banking Connect into their web application. It supports both the embedded experience via iframe or through a popup window.
npm install connect-web-sdk
Embedded Experience
import { Connect, ConnectEventHandlers, ConnectOptions, ConnectDoneEvent, ConnectCancelEvent, ConnectErrorEvent, ConnectRouteEvent } from 'connect-web-sdk';
export class ConnectComponent {
connectEventHandlers: ConnectEventHandlers = {
onDone: (event: ConnectDoneEvent) => { console.log(event); },
onCancel: (event: ConnectCancelEvent) => { console.log(event); },
onError: (event: ConnectErrorEvent) => { console.log(event); },
onRoute: (event: ConnectRouteEvent) => { console.log(event); },
onUser: (event: any) => { console.log(event); },
onLoad: () => { console.log('loaded'); }
connectOptions: ConnectOptions = {
overlay: 'rgba(199,201,199, 0.5)'
constructor() {
Popup Experience
import { Connect, ConnectEventHandlers, ConnectOptions, ConnectDoneEvent, ConnectCancelEvent, ConnectErrorEvent, ConnectRouteEvent } from 'connect-web-sdk';
export class ConnectComponent {
connectEventHandlers: ConnectEventHandlers = {
onDone: (event: ConnectDoneEvent) => { console.log(event); },
onCancel: (event: ConnectCancelEvent) => { console.log(event); },
onError: (event: ConnectErrorEvent) => { console.log(event); },
onRoute: (event: ConnectRouteEvent) => { console.log(event); },
onUser: (event: any) => { console.log(event); },
onLoad: () => { console.log('loaded'); }
connectOptions: ConnectOptions = {
popup: true,
popupOptions: {
width: 600,
height: 600,
top: / 2 + - (600 / 2),
left: / 2 + - (600 / 2)
constructor() {
Connect Event Handlers
| Event Type | Description | | ---------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | onLoad | Called when the Connect web page is loaded and ready to display | | onDone | Called when the user successfully completes the Connect application | | onCancel | Called when the user cancels the Connect application | | onError | Called when an error occurs while the user is using the Connect | | onRoute | Called with the user is navigating through the screens of the Connect application | | onUser | Called when a user performs an action. User events provide visibility into what action a user could take within the Connect application | | onUrl | Called when a URL event is triggered from the Connect application. If provided, the SDK will not handle URL events automatically, and clients must manage the logic themselves. If not provided, the SDK will handle URL events by default. The default SDK behavior remains unchanged if the onUrl handler isn't supplied. |
Connect Options
| Option | Description |
| ----------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| overlay | Changes the overlay color where the Connect modal is displayed (only for iframe, defaults to rgba(0,0,0,0.8)) |
| selector | CSS selector in which Connect should be embedded to. Connect will expand to fill the container's dimensions, the element's position must not be static
. Connect will be displayed in a modal by default |
| node | Element in which Connect should be embedded to. Connect will expand to fill the container's dimensions, the element's position must not be static
. Connect will be displayed in a modal by default |
| popup | Indicates if Connect should be displayed in a popup (defaults to false) |
| popupOptions| Used to configure the popup's width/height and positioning (top/left) |
| redirectUrl | The URL to redirect back to your mobile app after completing an FI’s OAuth flow (universal link on iOS, app link on Android). This parameter is only required for App to App. |
Configuring your redirectUrl
In order to return control back to your application after a customer completes an FI’s OAuth flow, you must specify a redirectUrl value. This URL is used to redirect back to your mobile app after completing an FI’s OAuth flow (this should be a universal link on iOS or an app link on Android). Please note: This is only applicable for App to App
Here is an example of a universal link redirectUrl within your code:
connectOptions: ConnectOptions = {
popup: true,
popupOptions: {
width: 600,
height: 600,
top: / 2 + - (600 / 2),
left: / 2 + - (600 / 2)
redirectUrl = "";
Connect.launch(connectURL, connectEventHandlers, connectOptions );
When the user of your application is finished with Connect you need to make sure to clean up the Connect instance by calling the destroy method. For example, if you have a ReactJS application you would call destroy in the unmount of your component.