A session store for express-session that uses Node Redis and Redis Stack to store session data.
Connect Redis Stack
Connect Redis Stack provides Redis session storage for your Express applications using the JSON capabilites of Redis Stack.
Installation is a breeze but Connect Redis Stack assumes that you already have redis—version 4 or greater—and express-session installed. And, of course, it assumes you're building an Express application. So you probably should express installed too.
To install the Redis bits, just do the following:
npm install redis connect-redis-stack
The tl;dr
This will probably cover what you need. If not, open an issue or send me a pull request for a README with more words. If you're famliiar with Express and Expresss Session, you'll be fine:
import express from 'express'
import session from 'express-session'
import { createClient } from 'redis'
import { RedisStackStore } from 'connect-redis-stack'
/* get connected to Redis */
const redis = createClient()
redis.on('error', error => console.log('Redis Client Error', error))
await redis.connect()
/* configure your store */
const store = new RedisStackStore({
client: redis, // required: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
prefix: 'appname:', // optional: defaults to 'session:'
ttlInSeconds: 3600 // optional: defaults to non-expiring session
/* create your app */
const app = express()
/* tell it to use the session store */
store: store,
resave: false, // we implement the touch method so probably false, see
saveUninitialized: false, // probably false, see
secret: '5UP3r 53Cr37'
/* write to the session */
app.get('/write', (req, res) => {
req.session.someSessionData = { alfa: 'foo', bravo: 42 }
req.session.moreSessionData = [ 'alfa', 'bravo', 'charlie' ]
res.send('Stuff was written to your session.')
/* read from the session */
app.get('/read', (req, res) => {
const someData = req.session.someSessionData
const moreData = req.session.moreSessionData
res.send('Stuff was read from your session.')
/* start the app */
app.listen(8080, () => console.log(`Example app listening on port 8080`))