Connect/express middleware for serving apps to a browser with browserify
Connect/express middelware for serving front-end applications with
browserify. Install via npm
npm install connect-browserify
Basic usage is as follows:
var express = require('express');
var browserify = require('connect-browserify');
app = express();
app.use('/js/app.js', browserify({
entry: 'src/app.js', // entry for your application
requirements: ['src/views.js'], // additional modules to require, will
// be exposed under id relative to
// entry, e.g. './views' in current
// example
transforms: ['coffeeify'], // transforms to use
bundle: function(bundle) { // optional, configure browserify instance
// configure bundle
return bundle
pipes: function(stream) { // optional, apply post-bundle-transforms
return stream // Receives the browserify bundle stream
.pipe(uglifyStream); // Must return another stream
onError: function(err) { // optional, called if errors occur during the
console.warn(err); // build process. If not set, errors are only
}, // available via the middleware response
contentType: 'text/javascript', // optional, Content-type header to use, by
// default this equals to 'application/javascript'
extensions: ['.js', '.coffee'], // to consider non-js files as
// CommonJS modules
debug: true // see browserify docs, other options are
This middleware will start watching directory of entry file for changes and rebuild bundle accordingly and caching the result for future requests.
You should never use this middleware in production — use nginx for serving pre-built bundles to a browser.