Get your environment variables from a .env file in Node 20, without dependencies, and with type checking
Config Environment 🌐🛠️ | Typescript
Get your environment variables from a .env file in Node 20, without dependencies, and with type checking
Prerequisites 📋
Make sure you have the following programs installed before getting started:
Installation 🛠️
- Install Dependency
npm i config-environment
Usage 🚀
[!IMPORTANT] For deployment on Node.js version 20 without any dependencies, it is crucial to initiate the application with the following command, incorporating the --env-file flag to ensure environment variables are correctly loaded:
node --env-file=.env index.js
If you are utilizing Bun as your JavaScript runtime, the process is streamlined. Simply execute:
bun index.js
Code Example 🐼
import { get } from 'config-environment'
const envs = {
TEST_PORT: get( 'TEST_PORT', ).asPort(),
TEST_STRING: get( 'TEST_STRING' ).asString(),
TEST_NUMBER: get( 'TEST_NUMBER' ).asNumber(),
TEST_BOOL: get( 'TEST_BOOL' ).asBool(),
TEST_REQUIRED: get( 'TEST_REQUIRED' ).isRequired().asString(),
TEST_GET: get( 'TEST_GET' ).getValue(),
TEST_PORT_OPTIONS: get( 'TEST_PORT_OPTIONS', { languageMessages: 'spanish' } ).asPort(),
TEST_STRING_OPTIONS: get( 'TEST_STRING_OPTIONS', { languageMessages: 'spanish' } ).asString({ message: '🚀 This is a custom error message 🐼' }),
TEST_NUMBER_OPTIONS: get( 'TEST_NUMBER_OPTIONS', { languageMessages: 'spanish' } ).asNumber({ defaultValue: 10 }),
TEST_BOOL_OPTIONS: get( 'TEST_BOOL_OPTIONS', { languageMessages: 'spanish' } ).asBool({ defaultValue: true }),
Technologies Used 🛠️
License 📄
This project is under the MIT License. Check the LICENSE file for more details. 📜