This is tool for creating components with dynamical changing context which pasts in template.
Important 🤫
This is web messenger build on typescript,scss and own Template Engine which build on Regexp and typescript classes.
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Component dynamic template engine
This util can help you to create components with dynamic templates.
Usage is simple as well!
1. For layout your component you need just create instance of Template class
export const defaultBtnTemplate = new Template(`
<button class="btn">
<span class="btn_text">
If you want to dynamical render constructions use " { { } } " There you can render:
1 - variables. Just wrap your variable in '! !'
2 - condition. Use scheme like ' if ( condition ) then {//what do you want to eval} '
export const messageTemplate = new Template(`
<div class="message {{ if ( !user! ==="home") then {Just simple string} }} ">
{{ !messageText! }}
If you want just use compiling Template function which return to you simple string without Component life cycle - use Template.compile()
const messageContext = {
user: "Test uest",
messageText: "Hello word!"
export const messageTemplate = new Template(`
<div class="message {{ if ( !user! ==="home") then {Just simple string} }} ">
{{ !messageText! }}
`).compile(messageContext) // Return you compiled string with pasting context
2. After creating layout your component - create a class which extends Block.
Block class contain all logic that will be rule your component.So you need give constructor template and props.
export class Message extends Component {
constructor(props) {
super(messageTemplate, props);
!!! Component props includes two things:
- Your state. This is what be observable and if that state change - component will be rerender.
- Events. There you describe callbacks which will be added on event listeners on yor component.
export interface Props<T> {
state: T;
events?: { [eventName: string]: EventListener };
Usage typescript: There is example you want to describe your state.
type MessageState = {
user: string,
messageText: string
export class Message extends Block<MessageState> {
constructor(props: Props<MessageState>) {
super(messageTemplate, props);
So now you can use this component!
const messagesData = [
user: '"user"',
"Привет! Смотри, тут всплыл интересный кусок лунной космической истории — НАСА в какой-то момент попросила" +
" Хассельблад адаптировать модель SWC для полетов на Луну. Сейчас мы все знаем что астронавты летали с моделью 500 EL — и к слову говоря, все тушки этих камер все еще находятся на поверхности Луны," +
" так как астронавты с собой забрали только кассеты с пленкой Хассельблад в итоге адаптировал SWC для космоса, но что-то пошло не так и на ракету они так никогда и не попали. Всего их было произведено 25 штук," +
" одну из них недавно продали на аукционе за 45000 евро.",
user: '"home"',
messageText: "Hello!",
user: '"some"',
messageText: "Hello!",
const MessagesProps = {
state: {
(messageData) =>
new Message({
state: messageData,
class Messages extends Component {
constructor(props) {
super(messagesTemplate, props);
export const MessagesComponent = new Messages(MessagesProps);
What about use events callbacks as an attribute value ?
Easily! Just set attribute which starts with "on-\event" and set as value name of your callback that in your state!
InputState = {
value: string,
type: string,
handleBlur: EventListener,
handleFocus: EventListener,
const inputTemplate = new Template(`
<label class="input__with-label">
<input on-focus={{handleFocus}} on-blur={{handleBlur}} name="{{!name!}}" value="{{!value!}}" type="{{!type !}}" placeholder={{!placeholder!}} class="input__with-label_input" type="text" name="login" id="LOGIN">
3. Render your entry Component into DOM.
Component have 5 public methods that you can use.
updateState = (stateName: string, newValue: any) => {
getState = () => ({...this.componentState});
getComponentChildren = () => ({...this.componentChildren});
getCompiledElement = () => {
renderDom = (rootSelector: string) => {
So if you want to update state and force your component to rerender - use updateState(). This func you can easily use in your callbacks:
const testProps = {
handleBlur({target}) {