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Optimize Toolset

I’ve always been into building performant and accessible sites, but lately I’ve been taking it extremely seriously. So much so that I’ve been building a tool to help me optimize and monitor the sites that I build to make sure that I’m making an attempt to offer the best experience to those who visit them. If you’re into performant, accessible and SEO friendly sites, you might like it too! You can check it out at Optimize Toolset.


Hi, 👋, I’m Ryan Hefner  and I built this site for me, and you! The goal of this site was to provide an easy way for me to check the stats on my npm packages, both for prioritizing issues and updates, and to give me a little kick in the pants to keep up on stuff.

As I was building it, I realized that I was actually using the tool to build the tool, and figured I might as well put this out there and hopefully others will find it to be a fast and useful way to search and browse npm packages as I have.

If you’re interested in other things I’m working on, follow me on Twitter or check out the open source projects I’ve been publishing on GitHub.

I am also working on a Twitter bot for this site to tweet the most popular, newest, random packages from npm. Please follow that account now and it will start sending out packages soon–ish.

Open Software & Tools

This site wouldn’t be possible without the immense generosity and tireless efforts from the people who make contributions to the world and share their work via open source initiatives. Thank you 🙏

© 2024 – Pkg Stats / Ryan Hefner




This is a calculator that performs computations related to complex numbers and polynomials.




Complex Calculator

This is a node module that can deal with complex numbers and complex polynomial functions.


npm install complex-calculator


There are two classes exposed by this module, ComplexNumber and Polynomial.

The ComplexNumber class

The constructor takes a real number and an imaginary number as arguments.

import {ComplexNumber} from 'complex-calculator';

const a = new ComplexNumber(-1, 1);
const b = new ComplexNumber(1, 1);
console.log(a.textVersion()) // -1 + i
console.log(b.textVersion()) // 1 + i
console.log(a.times(b).textVersion()) // -2
console.log( // 2i


  • Arguments
    • real (Number)
    • imaginary (Number)


real (Number): the real part of the complex number.

imaginary (Number): the imaginary part of the complex number.


conjugate: returns the complex conjugate of the number.

  • Returns: ComplexNumber

display: logs the text version of the number and returns the number (for debugging in the middle of long computations).

  • Returns: ComplexNumber

mod: returns the modulus (or size) of the complex number.

  • Returns: Number

polar: returns the polar representation of the complex number. This is its own data structure with its own API.

  • Returns: PolarNumber

pow: raises the complex number to a real exponent.

  • Arguments:
    • exponent (Number)
  • Returns: ComplexNumber

plus: performs complex number addition.

  • Arguments:
    • summand (ComplexNumber | Array)1
  • Returns: ComplexNumber

textVersion: returns a string that is formatted the way that the complex number would be written longhand.

  • Returns: String

times: performs complex number multiplication.

  • Arguments:
    • multiplicand (ComplexNumber | Array)1
  • Returns: ComplexNumber

The PolarNumber class

This class is not directly exposed, but rather it is accessed via the ComplexNumber class.

import {ComplexNumber} from 'complex-calculator';

const a = new ComplexNumber(-1, 1);
const b = new ComplexNumber(1, 1);

console.log(a.polar().textVersion()) // 1.4142135623730951e^(0.75πi)
console.log(a.polar().times(b.polar()).textVersion()) // 2.0000000000000004e^(1πi) <- Thanks, floating point arithmetic in base 2 :(
console.log(a.polar().times(b.polar()).rectangular().textVersion()) // -2


r (Number): the distance from the origin to the complex number.

th (Number): a numerical representation of the polar angle that is formed by the complex number. Multiplying this number by π will result in the radian measurement of the angle. More directly, it is the fraction of a half rotation. This will always be a number such that 0 <= && < 2.


display: logs the textVersion of the polar number and returns the polar number.

  • Returns: PolarNumber

pow: raises the polar number to a real exponent.

  • Arguments:
    • exponent (Number)
  • Returns: PolarNumber

rectangular: returns the complex number that corresponds to the polar number.

  • Returns: ComplexNumber

textVersion: returns a string of the form re^(θi) where r is the modulus of the polar number and θ is the angle of the polar number in radians.

  • Returns: String

times: multiplies the polar number by another polar number.

  • Arguments:
    • multiplicand (PolarNumber | Array)2
  • Returns: PolarNumber

The Polynomial class

import {Polynomial, ComplexNumber} from 'complex-calculator';

const p = new Polynomial([-1, 0, 1]);

console.log(p.textVersion()) // -1 + x^2
console.log(p.factor().textVersion()) // (x + 1)(x - 1)

const a = new ComplexNumber(-2, 4);
const q = new Polynomial([a, [1, 2], 1]);
console.log(q.textVersion()) // (-2 + 4i) + (1 + 2i)x + x^2
console.log(q.factor().textVersion()) // (x + 2)(x + -1 + 2i)


  • Arguments:
    • coefficients ((Number | ComplexNumber | Array)1[])


coefficients (ComplexNumber[]): the list of coefficients of the polynomial. The index of each element of the list corresponds to the order of the term for that coefficient.

degree (Number): the largest power that appears in any of the terms of the polynomial.


display: logs the textVersion of the polynomial and returns the polynomial.

  • Returns: Polynomial

divide: divides the polynomial by another polynomial and returns just the quotient (similar to the way that integer division works in c based languages).

  • Arguments:
    • divisor (Polynomial | Array)3
  • Returns: Polynomial

division[sic]: divides the polynomial by another polynomial. The result is represented as a quotient and a remainder.

_.isEqual(p.division(q), {quotient: r, remainder: s})

exactly when

_.isEqual(p, q.times(r).plus(s))
  • Arguments:
    • divisor (Polynomial | Array)3
  • Returns: {quotient: Polynomial, remainder: Polynomial}

evaluate: returns the output of the polynomial function for a given input.

  • Arguments:
    • input (ComplexNumber | Number)4
  • Returns: ComplexNumber

expand: returns the polynomial (used for consistency when using factor).

  • Returns: Polynomial

factor: returns a factored representation of the polynomial if the polynomial's degree is less than or equal to 3.

  • Returns: (ComplexNumber | Polynomial)

plus: adds the polynomial function to another polynomial function.

  • Arguments:
    • summand (Polynomial | Array)3
  • Returns: Polynomial

push: adds another term to the polynomial with an order one higher than the current degree of the polynomial.

  • Arguments
    • coefficient (ComplexNumber)
  • Returns: undefined

remainder: divides the polynomial by another polynomial and returns just the remainder (similar to the modulus of two integers).

  • Arguments:
    • divisor (Polynomial | Array)3
  • Returns: Polynomial

textVersion: a string representing the way that a person would write the polynomial long hand. Uses "^" to denote exponentiation.

  • Returns: String

times: multiplies the polynomial function by another polynomial function.

  • Arguments:
    • multiplicand (Polynomial | Array)3
  • Returns: Polynomial

The Factored class

This is another class that is only indirectly exposed.


factors (ComplexNumber[]): this is a slight misnomer in a mathematical sense. The first element in this array is the coefficient of the largest order term of the polynomial. The remaining values are the input values of the factored polynomial that will result in an output of 0.


display: logs the textVersion of the factored polynomial and returns the factored polynomial.

  • Returns: Factored

expand: returns the polynomial that the factored polynomial came from.

  • Returns: Polynomial

textVersion: a string representing the polynomial as a product of binomials. If the factored polynomial has factors [a0,a1,...,an], then the string will look like a0(x + -a1)...(x + -an).

Note that a0 is not a factor. It was merely convenient to use the 0th element of the factors array for this value.

  • Returns: String

1: If the argument is an array, it will be interpreted as [<real part>, <imaginary part>].

2: If the argument is an array, it will be interpreted as [<modulus>, <angle>] where the angle will be the th attribute of the polar number.

3: If the argument is an array, it will be interpreted as new Polynomial(argument).

4: If the argument is a Number, it will be interpreted as new ComplexNumber(argument, 0).