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Front-end business code tool library
Provide the commonly used React Hooks in the project, and the input and output functions do a special treatment to avoid closure problems, including a wealth of basic Hooks and refined from the business of advanced Hooks.
npm i common-hook
yarn add common-hook
Demand Loading
Default support for ES Modules-based Tree Shaking
import { useMount, useUnmount } from "common-hook"
useMount(() => {
useUnmount(() => {
:package: API Documentation
Advanced Hooks
useLatest The returned value is always the latest
Dom Hooks
useHover Listen to DOM elements for mouse hover
useMouse Listen to mouse position
Effect Hooks
useUpdateEffect Not executed for the first time, only when dependencies are updated
useDeepCompareEffect When a dependency is updated, a deep comparison is performed
useAsyncEffect Support asynchronous functions
useLockFn Add a competing lock to an asynchronous function to prevent concurrent execution
useInterval Hooks to handle setInterval
useTimeout Hooks to handle setTimeout
LifeCycle Hooks
useMount Executed when the component is first rendered
useUnmount Execute on component unmount
State Hooks
useSetState Hooks to manage object type states
useBoolean Toggle boolean to receive default value
useToggle Hooks to switch between two state values
useDebounce Hook for handling debounce values
useThrottle Hook for handling throttle values
useRafState Update state only on requestAnimationFrame callback