Common DOM util functions
Common DOM util functions for modern browsers, with shadow DOM support.
Supporting types and tree shaking with webpack.
No polyfill. Rely on your project polyfill (Only Promise needed for older browsers).
All functions are checking whether target element is null or not.
Hope this can help to make front end development easier.
Use npm install common-dom-utils
or yarn add common-dom-utils
Load js or css files
- load js script in to container
- load css file into DOM container
- load script with SRI
- load js scripts series into DOM container
- load css string into DOM container
DOM operations
- append/prepend element or html string to container or shadowRoot
- get activeElement with shadow DOM support
- set element focus
- get Event target with shadow DOM support
- get ancestor parent
- querySelector and querySelectorAll inside container
- check contains node
- attribute related operations (set, get, remove, has)
- get or set html string
- get all focusable elements
- detach or remove an element from DOM
- remove all chidlren elements from DOM
- hide or show element by toggling display style
- add event listener
- get css property value
- temporarily disable transition
Dimension related
- get window width and height
- get element offset and element top
- get element width, actual width, height, actual height
- check whether elment is visible/hidden
- set or clear element max-height
Class related
Cookie related
shadow DOM related
storage related
- save and get object from localStorage
- delete key or clear all keys from localStorage
- save and get object from sessionStorage
- delete key or clear all keys from sessionStorage
Other utils
- scroll to anchor or position
- scroll to page top
- scroll into view
- canUseDOM
- get camel case property name
- check document ready
- run function after document ready
load js script into DOM container
Load js script file into DOM.
import { loadScript } from 'common-dom-utils';
() => { console.log('Script loaded') },
(e) => { conole.log(e) }
- src: string. javascript file url
- container: DOM element that <script> tag is inserted into, default: document.head
- attributes: object. Extra attributes added to the script tag.
load css file into DOM container
Load css file into DOM.
import { loadCssFile } from 'common-dom-utils';
- cssFileUrl: string. css file url
- container: DOM element that <link> tag is inserted into, default: document.head
load js scripts series into DOM container
Load js script file into DOM.
import { loadScriptsSeries } from 'common-dom-utils';
() => { console.log('Scripts loaded') },
(e) => { conole.log(e) }
- src: javascript file url
- container: DOM element that <script> tag is inserted into, default: document.head
load script with SRI
SRI means Subresource Integrity (SRI) checking, it's recommended when using CDN for scripts.
import { loadScriptWithSRI } from 'common-dom-utils';
src: '',
integrity: 'sha256-WpOohJOqMqqyKL9FccASB9O0KwACQJpFTUBLTYOVvVU=',
crossorigin: 'anonymous'
() => { console.log('Script loaded') },
(e) => { conole.log(e) }
append/prepend element or html string to container or shadowRoot
Append or prepend child (html string) to container or shadowRoot.
import {
} from 'common-dom-utils';
// append / prepend child to container and shadowRoot
appendChild(document.createElement('span'), document.body);
prependChild(document.createElement('span'), document.body);
// append / prepend html string to container
appendHtmlString('<span>hello world</span>', document.body);
prependHtmlString('<span>hello world</span>', document.body);
// append / prepend html string to shadowRoot
// - shadowRoot does not support insertAdjacentHTML, so need to use HTML <template>
appendHtmlStringToShadowRoot('<span>hello world</span>', this.shadowRoot);
prependHtmlStringToShadowRoot('<span>hello world</span>', this.shadowRoot);
replace old child with new child
Replace old DOM elment with new child.
import { replaceChild } from 'common-dom-utils';
replaceChild(document.createElement('span'), oldChild);
get activeElement with shadow DOM support
Return document.activeElement by default.
If passing true as a parameter, it will look into shadowRoot until finding the real active element.
For example in the following structure: +host-element +shadowRoot +button If button get focus:
import { getActiveElement } from 'common-dom-utils';
// This will return host-element.
const hostEl = getActiveElement();
// This will look into shadowRoot and return button
const activeElement = getActiveElement(true);
- withShadowRoot: boolean. default: false.
get Event target
Getting event target element by
If the event is triggered inside shadow DOM, passing true as the second parameter, it will get the real event target by using composedPath().
For example in the following structure: +host-element +shadowRoot +button If button is clicked:
import { getEventTarget } from 'common-dom-utils';
// This will return host-element.
const targetHostEl = getEventTarget(evt);
// This will look into shadowRoot and return button
const target = getEventTarget(evt, true);
- event: DOM Event object.
- withShadowRoot: boolean. default: false.
load css string into DOM container
Load css string into DOM.
import { addCssString } from 'common-dom-utils';
addCssString('*, *:before, *:after { box-sizing: border-box;}');
- cssString: css string
- container: DOM element that <style> tag is inserted into, default: document.head
- before: insert <style> tag before all other children, default: false
set element focus
Set focus for element. If element is null or undefined, do nothing.
import { setFocus } from 'common-dom-utils';
get ancestor node
Get ancestor node by condition. This function will cross shadowRoot until it find the parent node that matches the condition.
import { getAncestorNode } from 'common-dom-utils';
const parent = getAncestorNode(ref.current, (node) => { node.className === 'container'});
- node: HTMLElement. Starting node.
- isNodeFound: Condition function called to check current node. Return true or false.
get host element
Get host element of a HTMLElement node. If node is not inside shadow DOM, null will be returned.
import { getHostElement } from 'common-dom-utils';
const host = getHostElement(ref.current);
get shadowRoot
Get the shadowRoot instance of a HTMLElement node.
If node is not inside shadow DOM, null will be returned.
import { getShadowRoot } from 'common-dom-utils';
const shadowRoot = getShadowRoot(ref.current);
get window width and height
Get window width.
import { getWindowWidth, getWindowHeight } from 'common-dom-utils';
const width = getWindowWidth();
const height = getWindowHeight();
get element offset and element top
Get element offset.
import { getElementOffset, getElementTop } from 'common-dom-utils';
const elBox = getElementOffset(el);
const top = getElementTop(el);
Offset object
top: element top with scroll top
left: element left with scroll left,
width: element offset width,
height: element offset height
If element is null or undefined, offset will be null.
get element width, actual width, height, actual height
Get element width, actual width (scrollWidth), height, actual height(scrollHeight).
import {
} from 'common-dom-utils';
const width = getElementWidth(el);
const height = getElementHeight(el);
const actualWidth = getElementActualWidth(el);
const actualHeight = getElementActualHeight(el);
If elment is null or undefined, return value will be 0.
set or clear element max-height
Set or clear element max-height
import { setElementMaxHeight, clearElementMaxHeight } from 'common-dom-utils';
setElementMaxHeight(ref.current, '100px');
check whether elment is visible/hidden
Check whether elment is visible/hidden.
import { isElementVisible } from 'common-dom-utils';
const isHidden = !isElementVisible(ref.current);
Class related operations
addClass, removeClass, toggleClass, hasClass, replaceClass.
import { addClass, removeClass, toggleClass, hasClass, replaceClass } from 'common-dom-utils';
addClass(document.body, 'modal-open');
hasClass(document.body, 'modal-open'); // true
removeClass(document.body, 'modal-open');
hasClass(document.body, 'modal-open'); // false
// return value:
// - true : class added
// - false: class removed
toggleClass(document.body, 'modal-open');
replaceClass(document.body, 'modal-open', 'modal-closed');
Cookie related operations
getCookie, setCookie, deleteCookie.
import { getCookie, setCookie, deleteCookie } from 'common-dom-utils';
// Cookie name, expire days
setCookie('cookieName', 'cookieValue', 1);
setCookie params:
- cookieName: string. Cookie name.
- cookieValue: string. Cookie value.
- expireDays: number. Expiring in days.
get or set html string
Get inner html string from target. Return empty string if el is null. If passing string as the second parameter, the string will be set as innerHTML of target.
import { html } from 'common-dom-utils';
// Get innerHTML string
const str = html(el);
// Set innterHTML as the second param
html(el, '<span>test</span>');
get all focusable elements
Get all elements that can receive focus (all focusable elements). Using the selector mentioned in stackoverflow question - Which HTML elements can receive focus?.
import { getFocusableElements } from 'common-dom-utils';
// Get elements that can receive focus in document
const elements = getFocusableElements();
// Get from container in DOM
const container = ref.current;
const elements = getFocusableElements(container);
// Get from shadow DOM
const elements = getFocusableElements(el.shadowRoot);
detach or remove an element
Detach or remove an element from DOM.
import { detachElement, removeElement } from 'common-dom-utils';
// detachElement removes element from DOM and return the element instance, which can be added back to DOM later.
const element = detachElement(element);
appendChild(element, document.body);
// removeElement removes the element from DOM
remove all children
Remove all children from node.
import { removeChildren } from 'common-dom-utils';
hide or show element
Hide element by setting display to none. Show element by removing display none style.
import { hide, show } from 'common-dom-utils';
hide(el); // element display style is set to 'none'
show(el); // element display style is set to ''
add event listener
The addEventListner function is a wrapper of native addEventListener.
It returns a function for removing the listener. This is trying to avoid the common error: listener function changed during the re-render and can't be removed.
It also only attach the listener only when event target exists.
import { addEventListner } from 'common-dom-utils';
// Add click listener to document and return the remove function
const removeListener = addEventListner(document, "click", () => {});
// Call returned function to remove the click listener
get css property value
Get the css property value of a HTMLElement
import { getCssPropertyValue } from 'common-dom-utils';
// Get the display CSS value => "block"
const value = getCssPropertyValue(document.body, "display");
temporarily disable transition
In some cases, like getting element width, if the element has transition width on it, the width would be a number during transition, not the real one.
To get the right width immediately, a helper function disableTransition
can be used.
It will return a clear function to enable the transition again.
import { disableTransition } from 'common-dom-utils';
// temporarily disable transition by adding an inline style `transition: none`
const clearFunc = disableTransition(element);
// clear the inline style transition
scroll to anchor or position
Scroll body to anchor element or a postion. (Vertical direction)
import { scrollToPosition, scrollTo } from 'common-dom-utils';
scrollTo(ref.current, 300);
scrollToPosition(0, 300);
scrollTo parameters:
- anchor: HTMLElement, element to scroll to
- duration: animating time. default: 0 (no scroll animation)
scrollToPosition parameters:
- position: number.
- duration: animating time. default: 0 (no scroll animation)
scroll to page top
Scroll to page top with duration
import { scrollTop } from 'common-dom-utils';
scrollTo parameters:
- duration: animating time. default: 0 (no scroll animation)
scroll into view
Scroll element into visible area
import { scrollIntoView } from 'common-dom-utils';
// Scroll el into visible area and align to parent container top
// Scroll el into visible area and align to the parent container bottom
scrollTop(el, false);
querySelector and querySelectorAll inside container
document.querySelector and document.querySelectorAll doesn't go into shadow DOM.
You have to call shadowRoot.querySelector and shadowRoot.querySelectorAll instead.
import { querySelector, querySelectorAll } from 'common-dom-utils';
querySelector('.element-className', shadowRoot);
querySelectorAll('.element-className', shadowRoot);
check contains node
Check whether container contains node or not.
import { contains } from 'common-dom-utils';
contains(document.body, el);
contains(this.renderRoot, el);
attribute related operations
set, get, remove, has attribute methods.
import { setAttribute, getAttribute, hasAttribute, removeAttribute } from 'common-dom-utils';
setAttribute(target, 'attrName', 'value');
getAttribute(target, 'attrName'); // Return attribute value (string).
hasAttribute(target, 'attrName'); // Return true. false if attribute does not exist.
removeAttribute(target, 'attrName');
create dom utils for shadowRoot
Create a Dom Utils object for shadowRoot.
import { createDomUtilsForShadowRoot } from 'common-dom-utils';
const domUtils = createDomUtilsForShadowRoot(this.shadowRoot);
- shadowRoot: ShadowRoot or HTMLElement.
- Dom Utils Object exposing functions with shadowRoot support
save and get object from localStorage
Save and get object from localStorage
import { saveToLocalStorage, getFromLocalStorage } from 'common-dom-utils';
saveToLocalStorage('test', { a: 1 });
const o = getFromLocalStorage('test'); // return { a: 1 }
delete key or clear all keys from localStorage
Delete key or clear all keys from localStorage
import { deleteFromLocalStorage, clearLocalStorage } from 'common-dom-utils';
// Delete one key from localStorage
// Clear all keys
save and get object from SessionStorage
Save and get object from sessionStorage
import { saveToSessionStorage, getFromSessionStorage } from 'common-dom-utils';
saveToSessionStorage('test', { a: 1 });
const o = getFromSessionStorage('test'); // return { a: 1 }
delete key or clear all keys from SessionStorage
Delete key or clear all keys from sessionStorage
import { deleteFromSessionStorage, clearSessionStorage } from 'common-dom-utils';
// Delete one key from sessionStorage
// Clear all keys
true if can use DOM.
import { canUseDOM } from 'common-dom-utils';
canUseDOM; // true if can use DOM
get camel case property name
Change snake-case to camelCase.
import { getCamelCase } from 'common-dom-utils';
getCamelCase('property-name'); // return propertyName
check document ready
Check whether document is ready.
import { isDocumentReady } from 'common-dom-utils';
isDocumentReady(); // return true if document.readyState is 'complete'
run function after document ready
Similar to jQuery $(document).ready(callback) function. But this documentReady()
function is returning a Promise, which will be resolved when document is ready.
import { documentReady } from 'common-dom-utils';
documentReady().then(() => {
console.log("document is ready");