A setup package to automatly check project's style and commit configuration
1. 概述
Eslint 代码质量
Prettier 代码风格
eslint-config-prettier 关闭所有可能干扰 Prettier 规则的 ESLint 规则
eslint-plugin-prettier 将 Prettier 规则转换为 ESLint 规则
Husky 自动化检查修改(git hook)
lint-staged 只对已更改文件检查
commitlint 检查提交信息规范性
commitizen 自动化脚本生成 commit message
vscode 插件
2. 快速入门
🚀 安装
pnpm add -D commit-pack@latest
bun add -d commit-pack@latest
npm i -D commit-pack@latest
yarn add -D commit-pack@latest
🍀 初始化
pnpm exec commit-pack-init
bux commit-pack-init
npx commit-pack-init
yarn dlx commit-pack-init
"singleQuote": true,
"printWidth": 100,
"jsxSingleQuote": true,
"bracketSameLine": true,
"semi": false,
"plugins": ["prettier-plugin-tailwindcss"],
"tabWidth": 2,
"bracketSpacing": true,
"trailingComma": "none"
// 这是根配置文件,ESLint 不会在父目录中查找其他配置文件。
"root": true,
// 指定要使用的解析器,这里是 TypeScript 的解析器。
"parser": "@typescript-eslint/parser",
"extends": [
// 扩展 ESLint 推荐的规则
// 扩展 @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin 推荐规则
// 扩展 @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin 推荐的规则,禁用与 eslint:recommended 冲突的规则
// 扩展 Prettier 配置以禁用可能与 Prettier 冲突的 ESLint 规则 即 eslint-config-prettier 确保放在最后
"plugins": [
"rules": {
// 将 Prettier 格式化强制为 ESLint 错误。
"prettier/prettier": "error",
// 禁用强制在箭头函数体周围使用大括号的规则。
"arrow-body-style": "off",
// 禁用强制为回调使用箭头函数的规则。
"prefer-arrow-callback": "off"
"extends": ["@commitlint/config-conventional"],
"parserPreset": {
"parserOpts": {
"headerPattern": "^(.+?)\\((.+?)\\): (.+)$",
"headerCorrespondence": ["type", "scope", "subject"]
"rules": {
"scope-empty": [2, "never"],
"type-enum": [
"✨ feat",
"🐛 fix",
"🎉 init",
"✏️ docs",
"💄 style",
"♻️ refactor",
"⚡️ perf",
"✅ test",
"⏪️ revert",
"📦 build",
"🚀 chore",
"👷 ci"
module.exports = {
types: [
{ value: "✨ feat", name: " ✨ feat: 新功能" },
{ value: "🐛 fix", name: " 🐛 fix: 修复bug" },
{ value: "🎉 init", name: " 🎉 init: 初始化" },
{ value: "✏️ docs", name: " ✏️ docs: 文档变更" },
{ value: "💄 style", name: " 💄 style: 更改样式" },
{ value: "♻️ refactor", name: " ♻️ refactor: 重构" },
{ value: "⚡️ perf", name: " ⚡️ perf: 性能优化" },
{ value: "✅ test", name: " ✅ test: 测试" },
{ value: "⏪️ revert", name: " ⏪️ revert: 回退" },
{ value: "📦 build", name: " 📦 build: 打包" },
{ value: "🚀 chore", name: " 🚀 chore: 构建/工程依赖/工具" },
{ value: "👷 ci", name: " 👷 ci: CI related changes" },
scopes: [
{ name: "components" },
{ name: "page" },
{ name: "css" },
{ name: "api" },
{ name: "" },
{ name: "custom" },
messages: {
type: "请选择提交类型(必填)",
scope: "请选择文件修改范围(必填):",
customScope: "请输自定义文件修改范围(必填)",
subject: "请简要描述提交(必填)",
body: "请输入详细描述(可选)",
breaking: "列出任何breaking changes(可选)",
footer: "请输入要关闭的issue(可选)",
confirmCommit: "确定提交吗",
allowCustomScopes: true,
allowBreakingChanges: ["✨ feat", "🐛 fix"],
subjectLimit: 49,