A way to parse custom tags/flags/input/options from a string.
Parse custom tags/input/options that appear anywhere in a string.
string: The string to parse command tags from.
prefix: The prefix that would recognise a word as a tag. This can be a String or Regular Expression. e.g "--big", "--" being the prefix. Set to match any amount of -
s by default.
numbersInStrings: Whether or not to match numbers too when you pass String into the Tag object. e.g "hello2" will match the whole word with this enabled, and will just match "hello" with this disabled. Set to true by default.
removeAllTags: Whether or not to should remove every word that starts with the prefix, but only match valid tags. Invalid tags will be removed but not added to the matches array. Set to false by default.
negativeNumbers: Whether or not negative numbers can be matched if only looking for a number. Set to true by default.
numberDoubles: Whether or not doubles can be matched, such as 23.90. Set to false by default.
tagData: Default types that matches tags should be parsed into.
lowercaseTags: Whether or not matched tags should be returned in lowercase. e.g: match HELLOWORLD and helloWorld and return as helloworld. Defaults to true
const Tagify = require("command-tags")
// Check for tags
string: "Hello world! --bold --underline",
prefix: "--"
}, "bold", "italic", "strikethrough", "underline")
string: "Hello world! --bold --underline",
newString: "Hello world!",
matches: ["bold", "underline"]
data: {}
// Check for tags and values
string: "Draw -name Painting -price 20 -width 1080 -height 1440 -paintbrush",
prefix: "-"
}, "paintbrush", { tag: "price", value: Number }, { tag: "width", value: Number }, { tag: "name", value: String }, { tag: "height", value: Number })
// or..
string: "Draw -name Painting -price 20 -width 1080 -height 1440 -paintbrush",
prefix: "-"
}, "paintbrush", { price: Number }, { width: Number }, { name: String }, { height: Number })
// OR..
string: "Draw -name Painting -price 20 -width 1080 -height 1440 -paintbrush",
prefix: "-"
}, "paintbrush", { price: Number, width: Number, name: String, height: Number })
string: "Draw -name Painting -price 20 -width 1080 -height 1440",
newString: "Draw",
matches: ["name", "price", "width", "height", "paintbrush"]
data: { name: "Painting", price: 20, width: 1080, height: 1440 }
// Invalid tag use example
Tagify("Does fhing work lol --invalidtag wait its --tag1 isnt it!", "tag1")
string: "Does fhing work lol --invalidtag wait its --tag1 isnt it!"
newString: "Does fhing work lol --invalidtag wait its isnt it!"
matches: ["tag1"]
data: {}
// Invalid tag use example, but with removeAllTags option enabled.
string: "Does fhing work lol --invalidtag wait its --tag1 isnt it!",
removeAllTags: true
}, "tag1")
string: "Does fhing work lol --invalidtag wait its --tag1 isnt it!"
newString: "Does fhing work lol wait its isnt it!"
matches: ["tag1"]
data: {}
// Match any tag
string: "Hello --tag1 --tag2",
prefix: "--"
}, "\\w+")
string: "Hello --tag1 --tag2",
newString: "Hello",
matches: ["tag1", "tag2"],
data: {}
// Match any tag with values. Set resolve to false in the tag object to avoid resolving the value to match a string.
string: "Hello --tag1 1 --tag2 1",
prefix: "--"
}, { tag: "\\w+", value: "\\d+", resolve: false })
string: "Hello --tag1 1 --tag2 1",
newString: "Hello",
matches: ["tag1", "tag2"],
data: { tag1: 1, tag2: 1 }
// Match values of different types
string: "Convert colours --rgb [255, 53, 179] --num 519340 --hexes {\"hexadecimal\": \"0xFFFFFE\", \"hex\": \"#ec0d23\"}",
prefix: "--",
numbersInStrings: true
}, { rgb: Array }, { num: Number }, { hexes: Object })
string: "Convert colours --rgb [255, 53, 179] --num 519340 --hexes {\"hexadecimal\": \"0xFFFFFE\", \"hex\": \"#ec0d23\"}",
newString: "Convert colours",
matches: ["rgb", "num", "hexes"],
data: {
rgb: [255, 53, 179],
num: 519340,
hexes: {
hexadecimal: "0xFFFFFE", hex: "#ec0d23"
// Specify tag types
string: "Colour --hex 0xECD558",
prefix: "--",
numbersInStrings: true,
tagData: {
hex: Number // without this, data.hex would be "0xecd558"
// if the value is truthy and not Number|String|Object|Boolean (e.g. RegExp) then an attempt to json parse the matched tag will be made
}, { hex: String }) // get X from the input like its a string, parse it like a number
string: "Colour --hex 0xECD558",
newString: "Colour",
matches: ["hex"],
data: {
hex: 15521112