Command Options Handler is a library for handling options/arguments in string format.
Command Options Handler
Command Options Handler is a library for handling options/arguments in string format.
import CommandHandler, { Command } from "command-options-handler"
const command: Command = {
name: "Teste",
description: "This is the description of the test command.",
options: [
name: "want-something",
description: "This is the description of the first argument/option. The names here have no impact whatsoever. I just put them to fit with my bot development architecture :)",
type: "yesOrNo"
const commandHandler = new CommandHandler(command)
console.dir(commandHandler.handleStringOptions([ "yes" ]), { depth: null })
console.dir(commandHandler.handleStringOptions([ "YeS ", "x" ]), { depth: null })
console.dir(commandHandler.handleStringOptions([ "yeah", "ok" ]), { depth: null })
Execution result
isValid: true,
argumentsExpected: 1,
argumentsReceived: 1,
optionsValidation: [
name: 'want-something',
isValid: { type: true, value: true },
value: { raw: 'yes', parsed: 'yes' }
isValid: true,
argumentsExpected: 1,
argumentsReceived: 2,
optionsValidation: [
name: 'want-something',
isValid: { type: true, value: true },
value: { raw: 'YeS ', parsed: 'yes' }
isValid: false,
argumentsExpected: 1,
argumentsReceived: 2,
optionsValidation: [
name: 'want-something',
isValid: { type: false, value: false },
value: { raw: 'yeah', parsed: null }