Library to create command line interpreters for testing programs
Command Node
The target o this application is to ease the creation of command line interpreters for testing utililities. It makes use of the functionalities of Node.js Readline library, adding the following features:
- Configuration layer that let you define your commands and their syntax in a declarative way.
- Automatic parameter number check.
- Free help command
- Script input execution
Library import and usage
In order to use the library, you have to require it, as usual, and initialize it:
var clUtils = require('command-node');
clUtils.initialize(commands, 'App Tester> ');
The initialize()
function receives two parameters:
- The commands object: that defines all the commands available in your interpreter (its structure is described in the next section).
- And the prompt string: that will be used en each line of the interpreter to mark the input line.
Definition of the Commands object
The library usage is based on the definition of a commands
object, that is passed in the initialization of the library. This object contains a description of each of the commands you want to be able to execute. E.g.:
commands = {
'create': {
parameters: ['objectUri', 'objectValue'],
description: '\tCreate a new object. The object is specified using the /type/id OMA notation.',
handler: function() {}
This definition includes:
- name: for each command a new attribute is defined in the object. The attribute name will be the name of the command used to execute it in the interpreter.
- signature: that is, the parameters the command will receive. In this current version, commands have to have a fixed number of parameters. This parameters will be checked upon command execution, and the command will fail if the number does not match the signature.
- description of the command: that will be used to autogenerate the help message for each command.
- handler: the name of the function that will handle the command execution. Whenever a this particular command is executed witht the adecuate number of parameters, the handler will be called, passing an array of parameters with the values used in the command execution.
Other functions
Shows the prompt in the standard output. It should be used once the command has stopped sending information to the output. You should also remember to use the prompt after showing information asynchronously (like an asynchronous response from a server) to avoid the user entering information in a blank line.
Closes the resources of the interpreter.
Generic handler showing a "Not Implemented" message, available for developing new commands.
Changes the writer object of the interpreter (where the interpreter writes its information). Mostly for testing purposes. An example of use is available in the test files.
Development documentation
Project build
The project is managed using Grunt Task Runner.
For a list of available task, type
grunt --help
The following sections show the available options in detail.
Mocha Test Runner + Chai Assertion Library + Sinon Spies, stubs.
The test environment is preconfigured to run BDD testing style with
and chai.should()
available globally while executing tests, as well as the Sinon-Chai plugin.
Module mocking during testing can be done with proxyquire
To run tests, type
grunt test
Tests reports can be used together with Jenkins to monitor project quality metrics by means of TAP or XUnit plugins.
To generate TAP report in report/test/unit_tests.tap
, type
grunt test-report
Coding guidelines
jshint, gjslint
Uses provided .jshintrc and .gjslintrc flag files. The latter requires Python and its use can be disabled while creating the project skeleton with grunt-init. To check source code style, type
grunt lint
Checkstyle reports can be used together with Jenkins to monitor project quality metrics by means of Checkstyle
and Violations plugins.
To generate Checkstyle and JSLint reports under report/lint/
, type
grunt lint-report
Continuous testing
Support for continuous testing by modifying a src file or a test. For continuous testing, type
grunt watch
Source Code documentation
Generates HTML documentation under site/doc/
. It can be used together with jenkins by means of DocLinks plugin.
For compiling source code documentation, type
grunt doc
Code Coverage
Analizes the code coverage of your tests.
To generate an HTML coverage report under site/coverage/
and to print out a summary, type
# Use git-bash on Windows
grunt coverage
To generate a Cobertura report in report/coverage/cobertura-coverage.xml
that can be used together with Jenkins to
monitor project quality metrics by means of Cobertura plugin, type
# Use git-bash on Windows
grunt coverage-report
Code complexity
Analizes code complexity using Plato and stores the report under site/report/
. It can be used together with jenkins
by means of DocLinks plugin.
For complexity report, type
grunt complexity
Update the contributors for the project
grunt contributors
Development environment
Initialize your environment with git hooks.
grunt init-dev-env
We strongly suggest you to make an automatic execution of this task for every developer simply by adding the following
lines to your package.json
"scripts": {
"postinstall": "grunt init-dev-env"
Site generation
There is a grunt task to generate the GitHub pages of the project, publishing also coverage, complexity and JSDocs pages. In order to initialize the GitHub pages, use:
grunt init-pages
This will also create a site folder under the root of your repository. This site folder is detached from your repository's history, and associated to the gh-pages branch, created for publishing. This initialization action should be done only once in the project history. Once the site has been initialized, publish with the following command:
grunt site
This command will only work after the developer has executed init-dev-env (that's the goal that will create the detached site).
This command will also launch the coverage, doc and complexity task (see in the above sections).