Generates Markdown "user guide" based off CLI spec compatible with command-line-args and command-line-usage.
Generates Markdown "user guide" based off CLI spec compatible with command-line-args and command-line-usage.
ALPHA status software: The main documentaiton feature is working but we expect to add significant new functionality and improve ease of use before GA.
npm i command-line-documentation
Library usage
To create self-documenting CLIs.
// for ESM
import { commandLineDocumentation/*, convertCLISpecTypes */ } from 'command-line-documentation'
import commandLineArgs from 'command-line-args'
// for CJS
// const { commandLineDocumentation } = require('command-line-documentation')
// const commandLineArgs = require('command-line-args')
const mainCommand = 'do-it'
const cliSpec = {
arguments: [
{ name: 'verbose', alias: 'v', type: Boolean, description: 'Makes the output chatty.'},
{ name: 'document', type: Boolean, description: `Generates Markdown documentation for '${mainCommand}'.`}
const options = commandLineArgs(cliSpec.arguments)
if (options.document === true) {
To generate documentation from a YAML or JSON spec file:
npx cld path/to/cli-spec.yaml
To append CLI documentation to
npx cld src/cli-spec.mjs --section-depth 2 --titles 'Command line reference'
Example output
You can see this package's cld
documentation here.
Processing the example CLI spec would generate:
# `widget-maker` Command Reference
## Usage
`widget-maker <options> [command]`
## Main options
|`[command]`|(_main argument_, _req_) The command to execute.|
|`--verbose`, `-v`|(_bool_, _opt_) Makes the output a bit more chatty.|
## Commands
- [`create`](#widget-maker-create): Creates a new widget.
- [`help`](#widget-maker-help): With no command specified, prints a list of available commands or, when a command is specified, prints help for the specified command.
<span id="widget-maker-create"></span>
### `create`
`widget-maker create [type]`
Creates a new widget.
#### `create` options
|`[type]`|(_main argument_, _req_) The type of the widget to create.|
#### Subcommands
- [`chart`](#widget-maker-create-chart): Creates a chart widget
- [`summary`](#widget-maker-create-summary): Creates a summary widget.
<span id="widget-maker-create-chart"></span>
##### `chart`
`widget-maker create chart <options>`
Creates a chart widget
###### `chart` options
|`--chart-type`|(_string_, _req_) The type of chart to create. May be 'bar' or 'line'.|
<span id="widget-maker-create-summary"></span>
##### `summary`
`widget-maker create summary`
Creates a summary widget.
<span id="widget-maker-help"></span>
### `help`
`widget-maker help <command>`
With no command specified, prints a list of available commands or, when a command is specified, prints help for the specified command.
#### `help` options
|`<command>`|(_main argument_, _opt_) The command to print help for.|
User reference
Library API
commandLineDocumentation(<cliSpec>, [options])
Generates Markdown documentation based on the CLI spec data structure. The documentation is in a self-contained "section" whose initial header determined by the depth
: (object) a CLI spec data structure.options.mainCommand
: (string) the name of the command being documented. This will override themainCommand
field in the CLI spec (if defined).options.sectionDepth
: (integer, default: 1) a depth of '1' (the default) makes the initial section a title ('#') heading. A depth of two would generate an H1/## heading, etc.options.title
: (string, default: dynamic) specifies the primary section heading (title). If not specified, will default to "`${mainCommand}` Command Reference".
Converts a file-based CLI spec (which is pure YAML/JSON) to a CLI spec data structure by converting string types like 'Boolean' to the actual function Boolean
. Accepts types 'Boolean', 'Number', and 'String'. Any other 'type' value will raise an exception.
: (object) a CLI spec data structure except that the 'types' are represented by strings rather than functions.
CLI spec data structure
The following is a comprehensive CLI spec example. It results in the example output above.
mainCommand: widget-maker
- name: command
description: The command to execute.
defaultOption: true
required: true
type: String
- name: verbose
description: Makes the output a bit more chatty.
alias: v
type: Boolean
- name: create
summary: Creates a new widget.
- name : type
defaultOption : true
description : The type of the widget to create.
required: true
# type defaults to String
- name: chart
description: Creates a chart widget
- name: chart-type
description: The type of chart to create. May be 'bar' or 'line'.
required: true
- name: summary
description: Creates a summary widget.
- name: help
summary: >
With no command specified, prints a list of available commands or, when a command
is specified, prints help for the specified command.
- name: command
defaultOption: true
description: The command to print help for.
CLI reference
cld <options> [cli-spec-path]
|(main argument, req) The path to the YAML/JSON CLI spec file or Javascript file exporting cliSpec
|(integer, opt, default: 1) A depth of 1 (the default) makes the initial section a title (H1/'#') heading. A depth of 2 would generate an H2/'##' heading, etc.|
|(string, opt, default: see description) Specifies the primary section heading (title). By default, this is the mainCommand
+ " Command Reference".|