Command AI
🎉 Command AI
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Welcome to Command AI, your new AI-powered command-line buddies! These programs makes handling tasks a breeze. Whether you need to automate routine tasks, set up new projects, run background operations, or simply start a chat. Just tell it what you want, and it'll get to work. Check out some cool things it can do:
Automate Your Routine Tasks: Need a cron job that checks your IP and pings a specific URL if it changes? Just ask!
ai "make a cron job that checks my IP and calls when it changes"
Set Up Projects on the Fly: Want to start an npm project that spins up a configurable web server greeting you with "hello world"? No problem.
ai "create an npm project in ~/hello-world that starts a webserver saying 'hello world' and reads configs from a .env file"
Run Background Jobs: Need to list all the JavaScript files on your computer and save them in a file? It can handle that in the background.
ai "in the background, list all the JS files on this computer and put them in ~/js.txt"
Query Databases with AI: Want to interact with a database using natural language? Use
! Suports MYSQL, Postgres, and SQLite.
aiq my_database "list all users where age is over 30"
Start an AI conversation: Want to have a conversation with an AI? It can do that too.
aic "what is the meaning of life?"
Just type your request into the CLI with ai "your requests here"
, and watch the magic happen. It's like having a personal assistant for your terminal!
🚧 ALPHA Stage Alert 🚧
This tool is still in its alpha stage, so expect some hiccups as we fine-tune our prompts for different models. The default settings show you execution plans and descriptions before running scripts to keep you in the loop / safe.
🔥 Features
- AI Service Selection: Pick between Ollama, ChatGPT, and any OpenAI compatable server.
- Easy Configuration: Set everything up quickly with a few prompts.
- Command Line Power: Ask the AI to do any task(s) you would want to do at the command line.
- DB Power: Ask the AI for any information from your DB in plain language.
- Conversational AI: Start a conversation with the AI.
📋 Requirements
- Node.js
- npm
🚀 Installation
Install globally via npm:
npm install -g command-ai
ai upgrade
🎮 Usage
Initial Setup
The first time you run it, you’ll set up your AI service and other settings. It saves everything in ~/.commandai/config.json
Provide Command Input
Type your command either as an argument or enter it when prompted.
ai "your requests here"
# Example requests (use quotes if your shell needs them):
ai make a cron job that checks my IP and calls when it changes
ai create an npm project in ~/hello-world that starts a webserver saying "hello world" and reads configs from a .env file
ai in the background, list all the JS files on this computer and put them in ~/js.txt
# Start AI Database Query (first param is the database name, second is the query)
aiq my_database "list all users where age is over 30"
# or
aiq my_database "list all users where age is over 30
# Don't start a AI Database Query Session.. Just get one response in JSON format.
aiq! my_database "list all users where age is over 30"
# Start an AI conversation
aic "what is the meaning of life?"
# Get only one response from AI
aic! "what is the meaning of life?"
More commands..
# If you don't provide prompt, `ai` will just ask you to enter it.
# If you are feeling lucky an exclamation will execute without confirmation.
ai! list all the dot files
# Reconfigure
ai config
aic config
#configure db connections
aiq config
# Upgrade Command AI
ai upgrade
Execution Plans & Descriptions
After you enter a command, Command AI will fetch a script and show you the plan and description. You decide if you want to run it!
If you turn logging on, commands and results are stored so you can revisit them anytime. (also please turn on and send if you open up a bug ticket)
⚙️ Configuration
AI Settings for all utilies are stored at ~/.commandai/config.json
. Here’s what it looks like:
"aiService": "", // Pick "Ollama" "ChatGPT" "OpenAI"
"ollamaUrl": "", // Ollama server URL
"ollamaModel": "", // Model for Ollama
"openAIApiKey": "", // ChatGPT / OpenAI API key
"openAIModel": "", // Model for OpenAI
"openAIUrl": "", // URL for OpenAI not needed for ChatGPT
"showExecutionDescription": true, // Show descriptions
"showExecutionPlan": true, // Show plans
"enableLogging": false // Enable logging
DB Settings for aiq
are stored at ~/.commandai/db.json
. You can setup as many connections as you like. Here’s what it looks like:
"name": "PostgreSQL_Connection",
"type": "postgres",
"config": {
"user": "postgres_user",
"host": "localhost",
"database": "postgres_db",
"password": "postgres_password",
"port": 5432
"name": "MySQL_Connection",
"type": "mysql",
"config": {
"user": "mysql_user",
"host": "localhost",
"database": "mysql_db",
"password": "mysql_password",
"port": 3306
"name": "SQLite_Connection",
"type": "sqlite",
"config": {
"filename": "/path/to/sqlite.db"
"name": "MSSQL_Connection",
"type": "mssql",
"config": {
"user": "mssql_user",
"host": "localhost",
"database": "mssql_db",
"password": "mssql_password",
"port": 1433
NOTE! sqlite does not require to be in the config you can just list the file as the first param.
💻 Development
Want to help out? Great! Clone the repo and install dependencies:
git clone
cd command-ai
npm install
Run the project:
npm start
🤝 Contributing
We’d love your help! Fork the repo, checkout the pre-release
branch, make some changes, and send over a pull request. If you want to use the code for your local usage instead of installing it globally, follow these steps:
- Clone your forked repo:
git clone cd command-ai
- Checkout the
This branch is where we merge all the new features and bug fixes before they are released.git checkout pre-release
- Link the project locally:
After these steps, you can use the commands (ai, aic, aiq, etc.) from your local development environment without installing the package globally.npm link
📜 License
This project is licensed under the MIT License.
Enjoy making your CLI life easier with Command AI!