Intro to command line interface library commander.js via a set of self-guided workshops.
Come and commandeer the commander library with Comder
Intro to command line interface library commander.js via a set of self-guided workshops.
You've found a work in progress.
I'm looking for help adding exercises, all pull requests considered. Some ideas for future exercises:
Pithy name | Description
---------- | -----------
OPTION_ME | Create options with short flags (-o
) and long names ('--option'), should be easy
FEEL_THE_COERCION | Pull a variable from an option
EXPRESSION_REGULAR | Use regex to make sure option variables fit an expected form
VARIADIC_ARGUMENTS | (Name not pithy enough) The last argument can be variadic
COMDER_COMMANDS | Git-style sub-commands
COMMAND_ACTION | Register a callback function for a command
- Install Node.js
- Run
npm install comder -g
- Run
comder will run through a series of Node.js workshops. Starting at a basic basic concept palceholder
and moving on to list of concepts placeholder
comder is brought to you by the following hackers:
comder is Copyright (c) 2015 comder contributors (listed above) and licenced under the MIT licence. All rights not explicitly granted in the MIT license are reserved. See the included file for more details.
comder is based off of learnyounode and other workshoppers that it builds off of. It is designed to be used during Nodeschool events.
comder is made at the Nodeschool Dallas meetup.