Combinatory Logic: Finding and Evaluating Combinators
COMBILOG offers basic tools for experimenting with Combinatory Logic. These tools include rewriting of given terms involving combinators, providing the definitions of common combinators as well as the possibility to define your own or redefine existing combinators, and searching for combinators with certain properties.
$ npm install combilog
Quick Run
The search for combinators using random search, genetic search
(Genetic Programming),
and a heuristic search
based on equational reasoning can be executed from the command line using modules
, gp
, and eqr
located in directory tests
$ node tests/rnd
for usage information regarding random search,
$ node tests/gp
for usage information regarding genetic programming, and
$ node tests/eqr
for usage information regarding search based on randomized equational reasoning.
var cl = require('combilog');
exposes the following functions:
defineCombinator (combiDef)
Defines a combinator. Such a definition must be a string representing an equation, e.g. 'Qxy = yy'
Any upper-case letter can be used as a combinator symbol. A combinator may be primed using the standard
single quote character or the special character \u2032
. Naturally, the primed and unprimed combinators
are distinct (cp. pre-defined combinators B
and B'
). An upper-case letter may also be followed
by a digit. Thus, W0
through W9
, for instance, are valid combinators.
Any lower-case letter can be used as a variable. Note that the combinator symbol must occur as the first symbol of the left side of the equation and no place else. The remainder of the left side is a sequence of distinct variables. The right side must be an arbitrary term constructed with the variables introduced by the left side (and only those variables).
The value returned by this function is null
if no prior definition existed. Otherwise the
previous definition is returned.
See also: resetCombinators, listCombinatorDefs, listCombinators, isCombinatorDefined, getCombinatorDef
getCombinatorDef (combiSym)
Gets the definition of a given combinator symbol (a string). The definition returned is a string representing the equation that defines the given combinator symbol. E.g.,
'Kxy = x'
This function returns null
if the given combinator symbol is undefined.
See also: isCombinatorDefined, listCombinators, listCombinatorDefs
isCombinatorDefined (combiSym)
Checks whether a given combinator symbol (a string) is defined. It returns true
if a definition
exists, false
otherwise. This method is slightly more efficient for checking the mere existence of
a definition than getCombinatorDef
in that there is no conversion of the internal representation
of a combinator definition into a string.
See also: listCombinators
isFixedPointCombinator (combi, maxTermsVisited)
Checks whether the given combinator combi
is a
fixed-point combinator.
It returns true
can be proven to be a fixed-point combinator. It returns false
if combi
can be
disproved to be a fixed-point combinator. Otherwise it returns null
A combinator Y is a fixed point combinator if f(Yf) = Yf for all f.
(Let us use Y instead of combi
to facilitate notation.)
attempts to prove or disprove the fixed-point property by computing all possible children
of Yf obtained by rewriting Yf with applicable combinator definitions. The number of children or terms
visited is limited by maxTermsVisited
. If omitted it defaults to 500. The fixed-point property is proven
if there are children T and f(T) , where T is some term.
It can be disproved if the set of children is finite (and its cardinality is not greater than
) and there are no two such children in that set. Otherwise it cannot be determined (at least not
within the given resource restrictions dictated by maxTermsVisited
) whether the given combinator is
a fixed-point combinator.
listCombinatorDefs ()
Returns the list of all available combinator definitions. The value returned is an array of strings. Each string represents an equation that defines the respective combinator symbol.
See also: getCombinatorDef, listCombinators
listCombinators ()
Returns a list all available or defined combinator symbols. The value returned is an array of strings, each string representing a combinator symbol.
See also: listCombinatorDefs
Resets combinator definitions. As a result all combinator definitions created through defineCombinator
(new or overriding existing ones) are undone.
See also: defineCombinator
rewrite (combiTerm, maxSteps)
Rewrites the given term (a string) using the currently available combinator definitions. It returns the term (the so-called Normal Form) obtained by exhaustively applying the available definitions. The rewriting strategy employed is leftmost/innermost.
Note that a normal form may not always exist
since applying combinator definitions is not guaranteed to terminate.
Therefore the number of rewrite steps can be limited through maxSteps
. If the limit is exceeded
this function returns null
The number of steps is unlimited if maxSteps
is a number less than zero.
The default is -1
See also: rewriteSteps
rewriteSteps (combiTerm, maxSteps)
Rewrites the given term (a string) using the currently available combinator definitions and collects all intermediate rewrite steps. Those steps are returned as an array (of strings representing terms). The given term as well as the final term (the Normal Form) are included as the first and last entry, respectively. The rewriting strategy employed is leftmost/innermost.
The number of rewrite steps can be limited through maxSteps
. If the limit is exceeded
the final entry in the array returned is null
The number of steps is unlimited if maxSteps
is a number less than zero.
The default is -1
Hence, if maxSteps
is supplied and is a number greater than or equal
to zero the resulting array will have a length not greater than maxSteps + 2
['SKKx', 'Kx(Kx)', 'x']
['BWBxy', 'W(Bx)y', 'Bxyy', 'x(yy)']
See also: rewrite
rndSearchBehavior (base, varList, out, options)
Performs a random search for a combinator that satisfies the input/output behavior specified
through parameters varList
and out
. The combinator sought is assembled using the
elementary and pre-defined combinators given by parameter base
, an array of combinator symbols.
searches for a combinator consisting of S and K such that when applied to x produces x (in other words the identity).
This function returns an object with the following properties:
: the combinator (as a string) that satisfies the given input/output behavior if such a combinator was found; otherwise this property is undefinediterations
: the number of iterations, or in other words the number of random combinators created and testedminLength
: the minimal length of the random combinators created and testedmaxLength
: the maximal length of the random combinators created and testedtimeElapsed
: the time elapsed as a human-readable stringhrtimeElapsed
: the time elapsed inprocess.hrtime
If supplied parameter options
must be an object that may have one or more of the following properties:
: the maximal number of iterations or random combinators; default is 100maxSteps
: the maximal number of rewrite steps when testing a random combinator; default is 20. Note that although random search is not prone to memory shortage per se, it is possible to create random combinators that when testing, i.e. performing rewrite steps, bloat up and produce term sizes that do nonetheless create memory issues. Therefore, choose the number of this property wisely.minLength
: the minimal length of a random combinator; default is 0 (which just like 1 will permit the creation of random combinators consisting of a single combinator frombase
: the maximal length of a random combinator; default is 20 (thus limiting the maximal number of combinators frombase
occurring in a random combinator to 20)applyProbability
: the probability for creating an application node (recall that SK is short for apply(S,K) ); default is 0.5. Higher probabilities steer the random creation towards longer combinators (within the confines ofminLength
rndSearchFixedPointCombinator (base, options)
Performs a random search for a combinator that satisfies the
strong fixed-point property.
Such a combinator is assembled using the
combinators given by parameter base
, an array of combinator symbols.
For a description of the return value and available options see rndSearchBehavior.
Performs a randomized search for a combinator that satisfies the input/output behavior specified
through parameters varList
and out
. The combinator sought is assembled using the
elementary and pre-defined combinators given by parameter base
, an array of combinator symbols.
The search procedure is based on backward equational reasoning. Starting with out
, the combinator
equations are applied right to left. The inverse application of combinator equations continues until a
given maximal depth has been reached (out
being at depth 0).
At each depth level only a specified maximal number of terms are randomly chosen to be
retained while all others are discarded. This process is repeated (starting over with out
until a solution is found or the maximal number of repetitions (a.k.a. iterations) is exceeded.
searches for a combinator consisting of S and K such that when applied to x produces x (in other words the identity).
This function returns an object with the following properties:
: the combinator (as a string) that satisfies the given input/output behavior if such a combinator was found; otherwise this property is undefinediterations
: the number of iterations (i.e., the number of times the process started fromout
: the number of terms created by applying combinator equations from right to leftretained
: the number of created terms that were retained (i.e., not discarded)timeElapsed
: the time elapsed as a human-readable stringhrtimeElapsed
: the time elapsed inprocess.hrtime
If supplied parameter options
must be an object that may have one or more of the following properties:
: the maximal number of iterations; default is 100maxDepth
: the maximal depth of the search; default is 10maxRetained
: the maximal number of terms chosen at random to be retained (i.e., not discarded) at each depth level; default is 5logger
: a function that accepts a string as a parameter and logs it in an appropriate way (the amount of data logged is determined by propertylogLevel
); in the simplest case uselogger: console.log
; default is no logging (logger is undefined)logLevel
: the log level (a number ranging from 0 to 4) that determines the degree of detail of logging activities (logging takes place only in the presence of alogger
, of course); as usual a bigger number means more data logged; default is 0 (nothing will be logged)
Note that a solution found by this procedure may contain free variables. For instance,
produces the solution SKx
, which means that x
can be replaced with anything and the resulting
combinator still is solution. Hence SKK
as well as SKS
(as well as SK(KK)
represent the identity.
may produce S(SKx)(SKy)
containing two free variables that may be replaced independently.
Creates an object, let us call it gpSearch
, that uses
an evolutionary approach (Genetic Programming)
to find a combinator that satisfies the input/output behavior specified
through parameters varList
and out
. The combinator sought is assembled using the
combinators given by parameter base
, an array of combinator symbols.
Generation i+1 is produced by applying crossover to individuals selected from generation i via tournament selection. For further details, in particular a description of the fitness measure, consult the following publications:
Solving Problems of Combinatory Logic with Genetic Programming, Second Annual Genetic Programming Conference (GP-97), July 13-16, 1997
Evolving Combinators, Fourteenth International Conference on Automated Deduction (CADE-14), July 13-17, 1997
The following functions can be called on gpSearch
to start, continue, or restart the search, as well
as to obtain information on the current state of the proof search:
: starts or restarts a search, discarding previous runs (if any). Options forrun
may be supplied as an object where the following properties are recognized:popSize
: the number of individuals in each generation (population size); default is 100maxGen
: the maximal number of generations; note that the initial (random) generation is generation 0; default is 25minLength
: the minimal length (at least 2) of combinators in the inital (random) generation; default is 2maxLength
: the maximal length of combinators in the inital (random) generation; default is 20tournamentK
: parameter k of tournament selection (tournament size); default is 10tournamentP
: parameter p of tournament selection (probability); default is 0.5maxSteps
: the maximal number of rewrite steps taken during fitness evaluation; default is 20minIndiLen
: the minimal length of a combinator before it incurs a fitness penalty; default is 2logger
: a function that accepts a string as a parameter and logs it in an appropriate way (the amount of data logged is determined by propertylogLevel
); in the simplest case uselogger: console.log
; default is no logging (logger is undefined)logLevel
: the log level (a number ranging from 0 to 2) that determines the degree of detail of logging activities (logging takes place only in the presence of alogger
, of course); as usual a bigger number means more data logged; default is 0 (nothing will be logged)
: starts or resumes a search, continuing from where the previous run stopped (if any);run
are identical if no run was executed before. Otherwiserun
ignores optionpopSize
because it is not possible to modify the population size when resuming a search. Obviously optionsminLength
are also ignored as there is no need for a random generation of individuals when resuming a search.getState()
: returns the current state of the search; it is undefined if neitherrun
was ever called. Otherwise it is either the string'found'
: returns the current population as an array of strings, each string representing an individual, i.e. a combinator; parametermaxSteps
is optional. If it is given every individual is rewritten, but not with more thanmaxSteps
rewrite steps. If parametermaxSteps
is omitted no rewriting takes place. Note that any negative number formaxSteps
imposes no limit on the length of the rewrite chains, which may produce inordinately long or possibly infinite rewrite chains that will crash your Nodejs application. Note also that the return value of this function is undefined if neitherrun
was ever called.
The return value of run
and rerun
is an object with the following properties:
: a string indicating the reason for termination, which can be either'found'
: the time elapsed as a human-readable stringhrtimeElapsed
: the time elapsed inprocess.hrtime
: an object that provides statistical data regarding the search through its propertiesgenerations
: the number of the last generationrndIndividuals
: the number of randomly generated individuals (for generation 0)individuals
: the total number of individuals (including random ones)crossovers
: the number of crossover operationsfitnessEvals
: the number of fitness evaluations (of individuals)minIndiLenPenalties
: the number of fitness penalties due to falling short of the minimal length requirement
: the solution (a combinator as a string); this property is available only if a solution was found
var r = cl.createGpSearchBehavior(['S','K'],'xy','y(xxy)').run({popSize:1000});
searches for a combinator Q consisting of S and K so that Qxy = y(xxy).
The result object r
holds the information described above.