Scriptable-objects that store references to assets in the Unity "Resources" folder. EASY SET UP! When assets are directly referenced in a Unity scene, they are loaded into memory. Furthermore, when prefabs are loaded into memory, their dependencies are
Resource Utilities
Version: 1.1.4
Scriptable-objects that store references to assets in the Unity "Resources" folder.EASY SET UP!When assets are directly referenced in a Unity scene, they are loaded into memory. Furthermore, when prefabs are loaded into memory, their dependencies are loaded with them. These assets are occupying valuable space, even if they aren't active in the scene.This package allows the user to control when referenced "Resource" assets are loaded into memory.
Use Cases:
- Restructure your Resources folder without breaking string references.
- "Directly" reference resource assets without keeping them loaded in the scene.
Directions for Use:
- Place the asset ("X") you want to reference in a folder called "Resources" (or a subfolder of "Resources")
- If X is a prefab: Create > Scriptable Objects > Utilities > Resources > Resource GameObject. If X is a sprite: Create > Scriptable Objects > Utilities > Resources > Resource Sprite.
- Select the Scriptable Object from step 2 and press the button that says "Refresh Folder".
- Enter X's name into the name field of the Scriptable Object.
- When scripts want to reference X, they should instead reference the paired Scriptable Object, and use the "Asset" property to load the original asset.
Package Mirrors:
Key Scripts & Components:
- public abstract class ResourceAsset`1 : ScriptableObject
- Properties:
- public String ResourcePath { get; }
- public T Asset { get; }
- Methods:
- public void Initialize(String assetFolder, String assetName)
- Properties:
- public class ResourceGameObject : ResourceAsset`1
- public class ResourceSprite : ResourceAsset`1
- Properties:
- public Sprite Asset { get; }
- Properties:
- public class ResourceTexture2D : ResourceAsset`1
- Properties:
- public Texture2D Asset { get; }
- Properties:
- public static class ResourcesUtility