A declarative library for building reactive user interfaces
A declarative library for building reactive user interface. Built over UniMob.
Getting Started
1. Create view
View are regular MonoBehaviour that should be attached to gameObject.
using UniMob.UI;
public class CounterView : View<ICounterState>
public UnityEngine.UI.Text counterText;
public UnityEngine.UI.Button incrementButton;
// initial setup
protected override void Awake()
incrementButton.Click(() => State.Increment);
// update view with data provided by State
// Render() is called automatically when data changes
// so view always be synchronized with state
protected override void Render()
counterText.text = "Conter: " + State.Counter;
// describes the data required for the view
// and the actions performed by the view
public interface IConterState : IViewState {
int Counter { get; }
void Increment();
2. Create widget
A widget is an immutable description of an interface element. May contain additional data if necessary.
using UniMob.UI;
public class CounterWidget : StatefulWidget
public int IncrementStep { get; set; }
public override State CreateState() => new CounterState();
3. Create state
The State provides data for the View and optionally contains mutable state of this interface part.
using UniMob;
using UniMob.UI;
public class CounterState : ViewState<CounterWidget>, ICounterState
// where to load the view from?
public override WidgetViewReference View {
// supports direct prefab link, Resources and Addressables
get => WidgetViewReference.Resource("Prefabs/Counter View");
[Atom] public int Counter { get; private set; }
public void Increment()
// atom modification will automatically update UI
Counter += Widget.IncrementStep;
3. Run app
using UniMob;
using UniMob.UI;
public class CounterApp : UniMobUIApp
protected override Widget Build(BuildContext context)
return new ConterWidget() {
IncrementStep = 1
Widget Composition
Widgets are the building blocks of a app’s user interface. Widgets form a hierarchy based on composition.
UniMob.UI comes with a suite of powerful basic widgets, of which the following are commonly used:
Row, Column These widgets let you create layouts in both the horizontal (Row) and vertical (Column) directions.
ZStack A Stack widget lets you place widgets on top of each other in paint order.
Container The Container widget lets you create a rectangular visual element that has background color and custom size.
Scroll Grid Flow The ScrollGridFlow widget lets you create a virtualized scrollable grid of elements.
Composition of widgets allows you to build complex custom interfaces that will automatically update when needed.
private Widget Build(BuildContext context) {
return new ScrollGridFlow {
CrossAxisAlignment = CrossAxisAlignment.Center,
MaxCrossAxisExtent = 750.0f,
Children = {
private IEnumerable<StoreItem> BuildDailyOffers() {
return this.DailyOffersModel
.Where(offer => offer.Visible) // subscribe to 'Visible' atom
.Select(offer => this.BuildDailyOffer(offer.Id);
private Widget BuildDailyOffer(string offerId) {
return new DailyOfferWidget(offerId) {
// keys must be set for list elements
Key = Key.Of($"store_item_{offerId}")
// ...
More code samples are located in UniMob.UI Samples repository.
How to Install
Minimal Unity Version is 2019.3.
Library distributed as git package (How to install package from git URL)
Git URL (UniMob.UI):
Git URL (UniMob):
UniMob.UI is MIT licensed.
UniMob.UI inspired by Flutter.