Bugsee plugin for Cordova
Bugsee is free crash and bug reporting with video, network and logs. Sign up for a service at This plugin allows an easy integration of the SDK for cordova based application on IOS and Android.
SDK Version
- iOS : 5.3.2
- Android : 5.4.2
cordova plugin add com.bugsee.cordova-plugin --save
Initialize the Bugsee plugin when your application starts, preferably when the deviceready event fires, e.x:
onDeviceReady: function() {
Bugsee behavior is very customizable, if default configuration is not satisfying your needs you can launch the SDK with additional parameters passed as a dictionary.
... other initialization code
// for iOS
var bugseeOptions = new Bugsee.IOSLaunchOptions();
// for Android
var bugseeOptions = new Bugsee.AndroidLaunchOptions();
// set some options
bugseeOptions.shakeToReport = true;
bugseeOptions.reportPrioritySelector = true;
bugseeOptions.defaultBugPriority = Bugsee.BugseeSeverityLevel.Critical;
Bugsee.launch("<your token>", bugseeOptions);
Available Options
For iOS
|Key|Default|Notes |---|---|---| |captureDeviceAndNetworkNames|true|Capture device name, wifi SSID and mobile carrier name.| |captureLogs|true|Automatically capture all console logs| |crashReport|true|Catch and report application crashes (*)| |defaultBugPriority|VeryLow|Default priority for bugs| |defaultCrashPriority|Blocker|Default priority for crashes| |killDetection|false|Detect abnormal termination (experimental, read more)| |maxRecordingTime|60|Maximum recording duration| |monitorNetwork|true|Capture network traffic| |reportPrioritySelector|false|Allow user to modify priority when reporting manual| |screenshotToReport|true|Screenshot key to trigger report| |shakeToReport|false|Shake gesture to trigger report| |style|Default|Enumeration of Default, Dark and BasedOnStatusBar |videoEnabled|true|Enable video recording| |frameRate|High|Specifies how often frames are captured| |screenshotEnabled|true|Attach screenshot to a report| |wifiOnlyUpload|false|Upload reports only when a device is connected to a WiFi network| |maxDataSize|50|Bugsee will avoid using more disk space than specified (in MB). If total Bugsee data size exceeds specified value, oldest recordings (even not sent) will be removed. Value should not be smaller than 10|
For Android
|Key|Default|Notes |---|---|---| |captureDeviceAndNetworkNames|true|Capture device name, wifi SSID and mobile carrier name.| |captureLogs|true|Automatically capture all console logs| |crashReport|true|Catch and report application crashes| |defaultBugPriority|VeryLow|Default priority for bugs| |defaultCrashPriority|Blocker|Default priority for crashes| |extendedVideoMode|true|Enables or disables the use of MediaProjection API (**)| |frameRate|High|Specifies how often frames are captured| |logLevel|Verbose|Minimal log level of Logcat messages, which will be attached to report| |maxDataSize|50|Maximum disk space consumed by Bugsee| |maxRecordingTime|60|Maximum recording duration| |monitorNetwork|true|Capture network traffic| |notificationBarTrigger|true|Trigger report from notification bar| |reportPrioritySelector|false|Allow user to modify priority when reporting manual| |screenshotEnabled|true|Attach screenshot to a report| |serviceMode|false|Used, when Bugsee is launched from service. No video and no visual controls available. Recording continues even in background.| |shakeToTrigger|false|Shake gesture to trigger report| |useSdCard|true|Whether to store Bugsee data on SD card on in internal memory| |videoEnabled|true|Enable video recording| |wifiOnlyUpload|false|Upload reports only when a device is connected to a WiFi network|