Ama Content Reader is a free library from Amanotes that provides an efficient way to access Amanotes's content store.
Amanotes Content Reader
Before you begin
Ama Content Reader is a free library from Amanotes that provides an efficient way to access Amanotes's content store.
How does it work?
Ama Content Reader helps you to read any content (bin files) of your game from Amanotes Content Store.
Setup Content Reader for your game
Add npm registry at the top of ./Packages/manifest.json
, then add com.amanotes.contentreader
package at the end of dependencies
block. You can get lastest version here
"scopedRegistries": [{
"name": "Amanotes",
"url": "",
"scopes": [
"dependencies": {
// Others config goes here
// ...
"com.amanotes.contentreader" : "<lastest_version>"
###Getting license key for Content Reader
Contact your PO to set up and request for a unique key to use the content reader.
Init Content Reader for your game
Init Key: Init Content Reader in your very first init scene of your game with the license provided by Amanotes
* Project's ID needs to be matched with the license Bundle ID. (example ID: com.amanotes.rnd)
* @param licenseKey provided by Amanotes, please contract Producer Owner from Amanotes to get your license
Read Notes Data
Import the package
using Amanotes.ContentReader;
To read notes datas, use GetNotes method in NoteGeneration
* @param contentFile MIDI content in byte[] format
* @param difficulty Which difficulty to generate note for - equals to NoteTab
* @param OnComplete Will be call when load file completed
* @param OnError Will be call when load file error
void ReadNotesData(byte[] contentFile)
NoteGeneration.GetNotes(contentFile, NoteTab.Easy,
(res,bpm) =>
Debug.Log("Total notes: " + res.Count);
Debug.Log("bpm: " + bpm);
(err) =>
Customize notes list
First, you should add three variables in your song config files for NoteTab, NoteLine and GridSnap. Bellow are the enum values for these variables:
NoteTab: SupperEasy, Easy, Medium,Hard, Expert NoteLine: All,LineOne,LineTwo,LineThree,LineFour,LineFive GridSnap: OneByFour, OneByEight, OneByTwelve, OneBySixTeen, OneByTwentyFour, OneByThirtyTwo, OneByFortyEight, OneBySixtyFour, OneByNinetySix
To filter notes datas, use Filter method in NoteGeneration.
* Get notes only from specific line
* @param notes get from function ReaderNoteData
* @param NoteLine Which NoteLine to generate note for - this parameters should be retrieved from song configs
List<NoteData> FilterNoteData(List<NoteData> notes)
return NoteGeneration.Filter(notes, NoteLine.All);
* Custom the density of notes
* @param notes get from function ReaderNoteData
* @param bpm get from function ReaderNoteData
* @param GridSnap Which GridSnap to generate note for - this parameters should be retrieved from song configs
List<NoteData> TranslateNoteData(List<NoteData> notes, float bpm)
return NoteGeneration.Translate(bpm, notes, GridSnap.OneByEight);
Example Content Reader
First, you need to install ExampleContentReader.unitypackage
public string license; //Content Reader licensing from Amanotes
public string fileName;
public NoteTab noteTab;
private float bpm;
List<NoteData> notesData;
void Start()
The Unity project's ID needs to be matched with the license Bundle ID. (example ID: com.amanotes.rnd)
FileUtils f = new FileUtils();
public void OnClickButtonRead()
void ExampleReadContentFile()
string contentPath = GetStreammingAssetsPath(fileName);
WWW reader = new WWW(contentPath);
while (!reader.isDone) { }
notesData = ReaderNoteData(reader.bytes);
Debug.Log("Total notes: " + notesData.Count);
//Use noteTimes below to generate object for your game
for (int i = 0; i < notesData.Count; i++)
float noteTime = notesData[i].timeAppear;
Debug.Log("noteTime: " + noteTime);
public string GetStreammingAssetsPath(string name)
return "file://"+Application.streamingAssetsPath + "/" + name;
return Application.streamingAssetsPath + "/" + name;
return Path.Combine("jar:file://" + Application.dataPath + "!/assets" , name);
return Path.Combine(Application.dataPath + "/Raw" , name);
return Application.streamingAssetsPath + "/" + name;
//To read notes datas, use GetNotes method in NoteGeneration
* @param contentFile MIDI content in byte[] format
* @param NoteTab Which NoteTab to generate note for
* @param OnComplete Will be call when load file completed
* @param OnError Will be call when load file error
List<NoteData> ReaderNoteData(byte[] contentfile)
List<NoteData> notes = new List<NoteData>();
NoteGeneration.GetNotes(contentfile, NoteTab.SupperEasy,
(res, bpm) =>
this.bpm = bpm;
for (int i = 0; i < res.Count; i++)
(err) =>
return notes;
We use SemVer for versioning.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details