Template for creating Unity game engine packages
Unity package template
This is a template repository for creating new repositories for upm (Unity Package Manager) packages.
Generated repository will contain:
- Basis for Unity package (package.json, folder structure, assembly definitions etc.)
- Basis for Runtime & Editor tests (can be run straight away after script has ran and package is in some Unity projects assets folder / marked as testable)
- Sample/ExampleUnityProject - empty Unity project for running automated github tests via unity-ci
- Note: Better way for doing this would be appreciated, there is an issue about this in unity-test-runner
- package.json to publish into npm
- Automated github action workflows to run tests on push (further documentation can be found in templates/.github/workflows)
- Automated github action workflow to publish into npmjs on publish release
- Note: If your package contains a lot of images/data or size exceeds 10mbs it might better to just publish into upm package manager / other service that is meant for storing assets and other big data. It is a good practice to check npm registry guidelines before usage.
- Example package.json
- Example
- Example, based on Contributor Covenant
- Example License (MIT)
- Example CODEOWNERS, for further details please see github docs on CODEOWNERS
Note: By default this repository is meant for creating open source packages. If creating closed source it might be a good idea to change license and go through generated package.json files etc.
- Create a new repository using this template
- Clone the new repository
- Run (cautiously!) with bash at new repository root folder and follow instructions, if using windows Git for Windows provides bash and all necessary tools.
- Move all files (except folders .git/ .github/ and Samples/) inside any Unity Project Assets folder. This will generate .meta files that are required by Unity.
- Move files back to the original folder
- just helps replacing all tags etc.
from files, if not familiar with bash scripts this step should be done manually - Brief introduction on how to develop your Unity package is included in
For further details, please see
When your package is ready for publish, you can publish it into:
- Open Source Unity Package Registry openupm
- npmjs package registry
- Note: If your package contains a lot of images/data or size exceeds 10mbs it might not be a good idea.
MIT License
Copyright © 2020 3D Group