Colson Nvim: Neovim Code Editor/IDE for Software Engineers!
Step into the realm of excellence with my world-class Neovim (nvim) configuration! This comprehensive guide unveils a meticulously crafted zenful setup, meticulously designed for unparalleled efficiency, productivity, and visual splendor within Neovim.
Embark on a journey through a domain enriched with powerful features, plugins, and finely tuned key bindings, addressing a diverse range of coding/text-editing requirements. Welcome to a sublime Neovim experience tailored to elevate your coding endeavors to new heights! 🔥
Installation through NPM
Ensure Neovim (v >= 0.9.0)
and Node
are installed on your machine!
: Leader key for Neovim -> SPACE
$ npx colson-nvim
$ cd ~/.config/nvim
$ nvim .
Navigate to lua/colson/packer.lua
Execute this command in normal mode!
For the latest pull, do:
$ npx colson-nvim@latest
If its not the first time, then each time you do the latest pull, go to:
$ cd ~/.config/nvim
$ nvim .
Navigate to lua/colson/packer.lua
Then, in normal mode, do:
Important Dependency!
For this to work properly, many packages depends upon this dependency Ultisnips
which requires pynvim
installed on your machine.
Here's detailed guide:
Here's quick guide!!
$ sudo pacman -S base-devel cmake unzip
$ sudo pacman -S python-pynvim
Now, make sure you're synced with my latest configuration!
$ cd ~/.config/nvim
$ nvim .
Open lua/colson/packer.lua
DONE!! This resolves the error when opening NVIM!
Now, Restart Neovim in your desired workspace!
nvim .
FOR the latest installation pull, do:
$ npx colson-nvim@latest
: Read the documentation below for indepth wisdom on proper installation and uses!
That's the beginning of the new world. A beginning of new experience, journey packed with challenges, integrated with tools used in daily lives, boosting productivity, enhancing engineers performance!
DEMO Screenshot
✨ New Updated Zenful Look (COLSON NVIM)
@ Neovim on Arch Linux
💎 NEW LOOK (Colson NVIM, December 5th, 2024)
New Modern Look, September 2024 💎
Latest Fresh Look, July 2024 :)
@ Neovim on macOS
2023/Early 2024 Look
🔥 Discord Presence for Neovim
❕ Keeping Your Configuration Up-to-Date
I'm committed to consistently enhancing this Neovim setup with new features, optimizations, and additional plugins. To ensure you're making the most out of this dynamic configuration, I recommend checking for updates monthly!
As the configuration evolves, it's a good practice to sync your local repository with the latest changes. To do this, navigate to your Neovim configuration directory and run the following command:
cd ~/.config/nvim
git pull origin main
Prerequisites: Neovim 0.9.0 or Higher
Ensure a seamless experience by confirming your Neovim version meets the requirements. Execute the following command to check your Neovim version:
nvim --version
Upgrade to Neovim 0.9.0 or higher if needed, and dive into an enhanced coding experience with this dynamic configuration! 🚀
Table of Contents
- Installation through NPM
- ✨ New Updated Zenful Look (COLSON NVIM)
- @ Neovim on Arch Linux
- @ Neovim on macOS
- 🔥 Discord Presence for Neovim
- ❕ Keeping Your Configuration Up-to-Date
- Prerequisites: Neovim 0.9.0 or Higher
- Table of Contents
- Introduction
- Installation
- Features
- 🚀 React Snippets Autocompletion
- Git Diff View 😆
- 🛰️ HTTP REST Client
- Usage Example
- 🪐 HTTP Client
- 🔄 Syncing Packer Updates
- ✅ Git Merge Conflicts Resolver
- 🔭 Telescope 🔥
- 🤖 Augment Code – Enterprise Grade Configuration
- Cool Pre-Configured Themes
This Neovim configuration is a powerhouse of productivity enhancements and aesthetics. I've curated a selection of plugins, key bindings, and themes to provide a versatile and delightful text-editing experience. Whether you're a developer, writer, or anyone in need of a robust text editor, this setup has got you covered.
💎 Old Look (COLSON NVIM)
To embark on this Neovim journey, follow these steps:
Clone this repository to your Neovim configuration directory:
git clone ~/.config/nvim
Install Packer.nvim for managing plugins:
git clone \ ~/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/packer/start/packer.nvim
Launch Neovim and run
to install and update plugins.Install JetBrainsMono Nerd Font:
- Install the regular JetBrains Mono version to support Unicode and Programming Languages Icons in the Neovim IDE!
Now, you're all set to unleash the power of this Neovim configuration!
Global Key Bindings
Leader Key
serves as the leader key for most key bindings.
Netrw: File Explorer
: Open a file explorer with Netrw.
NvimTree (Right window pane file explorer)
: Toggle NvimTree
NOTE: Make sure NvimTree is Opened!
- Increase the NvimTree (or current window) width by 5 columns.<leader>-
- Decrease the NvimTree (or current window) width by 5 columns.<leader>fp
- Manually set the width of the Project Pane.
Save Files
- Save all open files.
Save and Exit Nvim
: - Exit Neovim
NEW Look!
Old Look
Collaborative Editing
: Start a Vim-With-Me collaborative editing session.<leader>svwm
: Stop a Vim-With-Me collaborative editing session.
Text Manipulation
- ``: Delete selected text in visual mode.
- ``: Yank text to the system clipboard.
: Yank the entire line to the system clipboard.- ``: Delete text without clobbering the register.
: Exit insert mode.
Code Formatting
: Format code using LSP (Language Server Protocol).- Even awesome:
triggers Prettier for code formatting!
: Navigate through the quickfix list.<leader>k
: Navigate through the location list.
Search and Replace
Search and Replace
: Perform a search and replace using Telescope.
Normal Mode Key Bindings
Line Manipulation
: Move the current line up or down.<leader>K
: Copy the current line up or down.<leader>dd
: Delete the current line.<leader>cc
: Duplicate the current line.
** and **
: Scroll down or up.
Code Navigation
: Go to definition (Normal Mode).gf
: Go to
: Go to type
: Go to
: Show references.- ``: Rename symbol.
Ex Mode
: Write the current file.:Wq
: Write and quit.:WQ
: Write and quit (forceful).:Wqa
: Write all and quit.
Git Integration
: Git status.<leader>gc
: Git commit.<leader>gp
: Git push.<leader>gl
: Git log.
Harpoon Integration
: Harpoon open quick list.<leader>a
: Harpoon add buffer.
Ctrl+t and Ctrl+h
: Harpoon toggle buffer.
LSP Integration
: LSP hover.Ctrl+n
: LSP toggle next in autocompletion.Ctrl+p
: LSP toggle previous in autocompletion.Ctrl+k or Ctrl+y
: LSP select in autocompletion.- View Diagnostic Errors:
Telescope Integration
: Find files in the current directory.
NOTE: <leader>
Search by keyword in files!
: Live grep files.
To enable bufferline (Tab based file buffer like VSCode), Go to:
$ ~/.config/nvim
Open nvim: $ nvim .
Navigate to packer.lua
and uncomment Bufferline Plugin
After that, write :w
and source it: :so
and run packer sync: :PackerSync
Now you're good to go!
: Goes to next tab.<leader>g
: Goes to prev tab.<leader>btl
: Move tab left.<leader>btr
: Move tab right.<leader>bd
: Delete current tab.<leader>bcl
: Delete all tabs on left hand side.<leader>bcr
: Delete all tabs on right hand side.<leader>abc
: Close all tabs except currently opened one.
JSX/TSX & Other Languages Commenting
@ Commenting in Normal Mode
- Toggles the current line usinglinewise
- Toggles the current line usingblockwise
- Toggles the number of line given as a prefix count usinglinewise
- Toggles the number of line given as a prefix count usingblockwise
- Toggles the region usinglinewise[count]{motion}
- Toggles the region usingblockwise
@ Commenting in Visual Mode
- Toggles the region usinglinewise
- toggles the region usingblockwise
Discord Presence
- Open discord first and then, open your workspace from terminal:
nvim .
Emmet (For HTML/JSX Autocompletion)
To generate HTML standard<Ctrl+k>
: Createsdiv
: Createsdiv
: Createsdiv
-flex color-blue-600
: Createsdiv
: Creates<nav> <ul> <li></li> <li></li> </ul> </nav>
- `p+span<Ctrl+k>: Creates
<p></p> <span></span>
: Createsdiv
which can be useful for styling with css modules, tailwind or mixing with style components.
Normal Mode Tag Manipulation: tsx/jsx/html
: Selects everything inside the tag, excluding the tags themselves.vat
: Selects everything including the tag (inner and outer).cit
: Deletes everything inside the tag and starts insert mode.dit
: Deletes everything inside the tag without entering insert mode.dat
: Deletes the tag and its contents.
Tailwind CSS IntelliSense
- Use
to select when you use tailwind: Ex when you typetext-
, you get autocompletion! - Use
to select in autocompletion. - Use
to go to next in the occurrence. - Use
to go to prev in occurrence.
Gen Lorem Ipsum
- To generate lorem ipsum paragraph: In normal mode, type
- To generate specified constraint of words:
:Lorem 10
which generates 10 words.
Code Fold
- To use code folding: First go to
Visual Line Mode
. After that usej
to select block of code. Now use:zf
to fold code. To unfold the code, go to the code fold line and use:zo
to open the code fold.
Live Server
- First install live server globally:
sudo npm install -g live-server
- Now inside
: Go toindex.html
and onNormal Mode
, type::LiveServerStart
to start the server and:LiveServerStop
to stop the server.
System Clipboard Copy
First install xclip
on your machine in order for the configurations to work:
$ sudo pacman -S xclip
Then open any workspace with nvim .
in Tmux
environment. Now you're ready to go!
- Copies to system clipboard. - NORMAL MODE:
- Copies text from cursor to the end of the line to the system clipboard.
🚀 React Snippets Autocompletion
Ultisnips Dependency Installation
For this to work, the main package depends upon this dependency Ultisnips
which requires pynvim
installed on your machine.
First, let's verify if python3
support is enabled inside your nvim
cd ~/.config/nvim
nvim .
Open packer.lua
and in normal mode: Type
:echo has('python3')
If it returns 1, we're good to go else we need to install the dependencies to enable the support inside the neovim environment.
Here's how to do it on Arch Linux:
$ sudo pacman -S base-devel cmake unzip
$ sudo pacman -S python-pynvim
: Make sure to use the package manager based on your distribution!!
- On Arch-based distros:
sudo pacman -S <package-name>
- On Debian-based distros:
sudo apt install <package-name>
- On Red Hat-based distros:
sudo yum install <package-name>
For macOS:
brew install python3
brew install pynvim
Now, again open that packer.lua
file and verify if we've got access to the python3
inside neovim
This time, it should return 1
aka OKAY!
Now, make sure you're synced with my latest configuration!
$ cd ~/.config/nvim
nvim .
Open packer.lua
Yay, finally now we should be able to use React Snippets
🔥 React Snippets Guide
after you type the trigger code!
Functional Components
| Trigger Code | What it does |
| ------------ | ------------------------------------------ |
| fce
| Function Component Export
| fcde
| Function Component Default Export
| sfce
| Simple Function Component Export
| sfcde
| Simple Function Component Default Export
| useS
| useState
| useE
| useEffect
| useEA
| useEffect async
| useC
| useContext
| useRed
| useReducer
| useCB
| useCallback
| useM
| useMemo
| useR
| useRef
| useI
| useImperativeHandle
| useL
| useLayoutEffect
| useDV
| useDebugValue
| useT
| useTransition
Class Components
| Trigger Code | What it does |
| ------------ | ----------------------------------------- |
| rce
| React Class Component Export
| rcep
| React Class Export with Prop interface
| rceps
| React Class Export with Props and State
| rcc
| React Class Component
| rcon
| React Class Constructor
| spt
| Static PropTypes
| sdp
| Static Default Props
| sdpt
| Static Default Props Typed
| cdm
| Component Did Mount
| cdu
| Component Did Update
| cdc
| Component Did Catch
| cwum
| Component Will Unmount
General Redux + Redux Toolkit
| Trigger Code | What it does |
| ------------ | ------------------------ |
| useDS
| useDispatch
| useSL
| useSelector
| cs
| createSlice
| ecs
| export createSlice
| cpr
| create prepare reducer
| cat
| createAsyncThunk
🎯 TypeScript/JavaScript Engine: Cool Features
- @ sorts and removes unused imports:
- @ sorts imports:
- @ removes unused imports:
- @ adds imports for all statements that lack one and can be imported:
- @ fixes all fixable errors:
- @ goes to source definition (available since TS v4.7):
- @ allow to rename current file and apply changes to connected files:
- @ find files that reference the current file (available since TS v4.2):
Git Diff View 😆
These keymaps facilitate easy navigation and management of diffs in your codebase!
| Key Mapping | Action |
| ---------------- | ------------------------ |
| <leader>do
| Open diff view |
| <leader>dc
| Close diff view |
| <leader>df
| Toggle file panel |
| <leader>dh
| Focus file panel |
| <leader>dr
| Refresh files |
| <leader>dp
| Previous file entry |
| <leader>dn
| Next file entry |
| <leader>dt
| Select entry |
| <leader>dh
| Open file history panel |
| <leader>dl
| Close file history panel |
🛰️ HTTP REST Client
| Action | Key Mapping |
| ---------------------------- | ---------------- |
| Send HTTP request | <leader>rr
| Preview HTTP request | <leader>rp
| Re-run last HTTP request | <leader>rl
| Toggle environment variables | <leader>re
Key Mapping Explanation
: Sends the HTTP request located at the cursor position. Useful for quickly testing endpoints without leaving the editor.<leader>rp
: Previews the HTTP request that will be sent. This is beneficial for verifying the request structure and headers before execution.<leader>rl
: Re-runs the last executed HTTP request. This saves time when you need to test the same endpoint multiple times.<leader>re
: Toggles environment variables from a.env
file, allowing you to manage configurations effectively.
Usage Example
Here’s an example of how to use HTTP REST Client in your workflow:
- Open a new buffer in Neovim.
- Write your HTTP request in the format supported in either one of these extension -
. For example:
POST http://localhost:3000/api/v1/users
Content-Type: application/json
"name": "Colson",
"currentYear": "2024",
"age": "25"
- Place the cursor anywhere within the request.
- Press
to send the request. - Check the response in a split window.
🪐 HTTP Client
This requires two dependencies: pynvim
and requests
library. Make sure these two dependencies are installed on your machine for it to work!
pynvim Bindings:
- Install with
:pip install pynvim
- On Arch-based distros:
sudo pacman -S python-pynvim
- On Debian-based distros:
sudo apt install python3-pynvim
- On Red Hat-based distros:
sudo yum install python-pynvim
requests Library:
- Install with
:pip install requests
- On Arch-based distros:
sudo pacman -S python-requests
- On Debian-based distros:
sudo apt install python3-requests
- On Red Hat-based distros:
sudo yum install python-requests
⚡ Execute Network Request
Use the extension .http
to run HTTP API Requests!
Go to the
file.To initiate a network request, execute:
To terminate the current request, execute:
🔄 Syncing Packer Updates
- Go to:
cd ~/.config/nvim
- Open with nvim:
nvim .
- Navigate to
- Execute this to source + sync packer plugins:
- DONE :)
✅ Git Merge Conflicts Resolver
| Key Mapping | Command | Action |
| ------------ | ------------------------- | ------------------------------------------ |
| <leader>co
| GitConflictChooseOurs
| Choose your changes (ours
). |
| <leader>ct
| GitConflictChooseTheirs
| Choose incoming changes (theirs
). |
| <leader>cb
| GitConflictChooseBoth
| Include both sides (both
). |
| <leader>c0
| GitConflictChooseNone
| Discard both sides (none
). |
| <leader>cn
| GitConflictNextConflict
| Jump to the next conflict. |
| <leader>cp
| GitConflictPrevConflict
| Jump to the previous conflict. |
| <leader>cs
| GitConflictListQf
| List all conflicts in the quickfix window. |
🔭 Telescope 🔥
Telescope Normal Mode Commands
| Keymap | Mode | Description |
| -------------------------- | ----------- | ------------------------------------ |
| <leader>pf or <leader>ff
| Normal Mode | Find files in the project |
| <leader>ps or <leader>fg
| Normal Mode | GREP Search: Search across all files |
| <leader>fb
| Normal Mode | Switch between buffers |
| <leader>fh
| Normal Mode | Open help tags |
| <leader>fs
| Normal Mode | Interactive string search |
| <leader>fd
| Normal Mode | View diagnostics for the workspace |
| <leader>fw
| Normal Mode | Search workspace symbols |
| <leader>fr
| Normal Mode | Find references to a symbol |
| <leader>fi
| Normal Mode | Locate implementations |
| <leader>fc
| Normal Mode | Quickly execute Neovim commands |
| <leader>ft
| Normal Mode | Explore syntax tree using Treesitter |
| <leader>gs
| Normal Mode | View Git status |
| <leader>gc
| Normal Mode | Browse Git commits |
| <leader>gb
| Normal Mode | Switch Git branches |
| <leader>gf
| Normal Mode | Locate files tracked by Git |
Telescope Insert Mode Commands
| Keymap | Mode | Description |
| ------- | ----------- | ------------------------- |
| <C-n>
| Insert Mode | Move to the next item |
| <C-p>
| Insert Mode | Move to the previous item |
| <C-c>
| Insert Mode | Close Telescope window |
| <CR>
| Insert Mode | Select default item |
| <C-x>
| Insert Mode | Select horizontally |
| <C-v>
| Insert Mode | Select vertically |
🤖 Augment Code – Enterprise Grade Configuration
Augment understands your codebase. I've configured and optimized for engineers working on large enterprise applications. The configuration provides:
- Precise workspace context: Workspace folders are explicitly set (or auto‑updated) so that Augment’s AI engine has full knowledge of your codebase.
- Custom key mappings: Quick keybindings for accepting AI suggestions, launching chat, and triggering enterprise workflows (e.g. code review and refactoring prompts).
- User command aliases: Short command aliases to quickly invoke Augment functions from the command line.
Key Mappings
| Mode | Key Binding | Command Executed | Description |
| ------ | ------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ---------------------------------------------------------------- |
| Insert | <C-y>
| call augment#Accept()
| Accept the current inline suggestion. |
| Insert | <CR>
| call augment#Accept("\n")
| Accept suggestion; if none, insert a newline. |
| Normal | <leader>as
| :Augment status
| Show Augment status (sign-in and workspace sync info). |
| Normal | <leader>asi
| :Augment signin
| Start the sign-in flow for Augment. |
| Normal | <leader>ao
| :Augment signout
| Sign out from Augment. |
| Normal | <leader>ae
| :Augment enable
| Globally enable AI suggestions. |
| Normal | <leader>ad
| :Augment disable
| Globally disable AI suggestions. |
| Normal | <leader>al
| :Augment log
| Open the Augment log for errors and debugging. |
| Normal | <leader>ac
| :Augment chat
| Start a chat session to ask questions about your codebase. |
| Normal | <leader>an
| :Augment chat-new
| Begin a new chat conversation (clears previous context). |
| Normal | <leader>at
| :Augment chat-toggle
| Toggle the visibility of the chat panel. |
| Normal | <leader>acp
| :Augment chat Please review the current function for potential improvements.
| Send a code review prompt for the current function. |
| Normal | <leader>acf
| :Augment chat Suggest refactoring for this block of code.
| Request refactoring suggestions for the selected code block. |
| Visual | <leader>ac
| :Augment chat
| Send selected text to Augment chat for context‑specific queries. |
| Visual | <leader>aq
| :Augment chat
| Alternative visual mapping to chat with the selected text. |
User Command Aliases
| Alias | Executes Command | Description |
| -------------- | --------------------- | --------------------------------------- |
| :AStatus
| Augment status
| Display Augment’s current status. |
| :ASignin
| Augment signin
| Launch the sign‑in process. |
| :ASignout
| Augment signout
| Sign out of Augment. |
| :AEnable
| Augment enable
| Enable AI suggestions globally. |
| :ADisable
| Augment disable
| Disable AI suggestions globally. |
| :ALog
| Augment log
| View Augment’s log output. |
| :AChat
| Augment chat
| Open a chat session for code questions. |
| :AChatNew
| Augment chat-new
| Start a new chat conversation. |
| :AChatToggle
| Augment chat-toggle
| Toggle the chat panel display. |
Workspace Configuration & Auto-Update
Optional since I've configured Augment to autodetect current working directory opened with $ nvim .
| Feature | Behavior | Description |
| ------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| Workspace Folders | vim.g.augment_workspace_folders
set via get_workspace_folders()
| Defines which project directories are indexed by Augment. Uses the ENTERPRISE_WORKSPACES
env variable (colon-separated) or defaults to the current directory. |
| Auto-Update on DirChange | DirChanged
autocmd triggers update_workspace()
| Automatically adds new workspace folders when you change directories in Neovim, ensuring up-to-date context. |
Cool Pre-Configured Themes
The themes are configured already but I've commented out rest. Feel free to explore these themes and uncomment the one that resonates with your taste!
Preconfigured themes:
@ Github Themes - Has flavors
@ Jetbrains IDE Theme
@ Tokyo Night Theme - Has flavors
@ Catppuccin Theme - Has flavors
@ Rose Pine Theme - Has flavors
END: May your coding journey with Neovim be nothing short of stellar! 🚀
Peace! 🕊