collaborative filtering algorithms
Collaborative Filtering
A node module, that uses Collaborative filtering for the use of recommendations, it allows you out of the box, to use distance similarity / pearson/ others or custom one [depending on the need]
It is also provided with a full example of usage and dataset creation. I hope to provide a working stack [FE + BE] to use this with real-time and cache capabilities
using jSHint, matchdep , stream, grunt.js
Use this with my permission only
Main app
npm install collaborative_filtering
place the distance.js
where ever you want and include it, i've used an iOc style
so you could adjust it and plug-it in the module
we need to initialize the distance object, you can add any distance metric you wish to distance.js
var readers = require('./recommendations.js'), // creation of the dataset
Collaborative = require('../lib/collaborative'),
Distance = require('../lib/distance'),
collab = new Collaborative(new Distance()),
after initialization, you need to create a multi-dimensional vector, an array of arrays:
just like the "creation of the data set line", you can find the model inside /models , it looks like:
in code we grab it via stream from a line-by-line [newline] structured flat file [so we won't have limit on memory space]
// people person1 = readers[0], person2 = readers[1], person7 = readers[6]
console.log('comparing ' + person1.getName() + ' and ' + person2.getName()) console.log('Distance correlation: ' + collab.simDistance(person1,person2)) console.log('Pearson correlation: ' + collab.simPearson(person1,person2))
console.log(collab.getSimiliarItems(readers, person1, 5)) console.log(collab.getRecommendations(readers,person7))
finally we run the collaborative filtering, for example "item-based":
[ { rating: 3.4682459444748344, id: 'And Then There Were None' },
{ rating: 3, id: 'A Tale of Two Cities' },
{ rating: 2.319573433326274, id: 'The Hobbit' } ]
## License
BSD - ask for my permission