An interface to interact with the CoinGecko API
CoinGecko API SDK
This SDK provides a set of functions to interact with the CoinGecko API. It includes methods for fetching a list of coins, retrieving detailed information about specific coins, and more.
To install this package, you can use either npm or Yarn as your package manager.
Using npm
To install the package with npm, run the following command in your terminal:
npm install coingecko-sdk
Using Yarn
If you prefer to use Yarn, you can install the package with the following command:
yarn add coingecko-sdk
To use the SDK, you need to initialize the client first. Here's how you can do it:
import { initClient } from "coingecko-sdk";
// For free API
// For Pro API (requires an access key)
initClient({ pro: true, accessKey: "YOUR_ACCESS_KEY" });
Usage Examples
Here are a couple of examples to get you started:
Fetching a List of Coins
import { initClient, coinsMarkets } from "coingecko-sdk";
async function getTopCoins() {
try {
const response = await coinsMarkets({
query: {
vs_currency: "usd",
order: "market_cap_desc",
per_page: 10,
page: 1,
sparkline: false,
console.log("Top 10 coins by market cap:", response);
} catch (error) {
console.error("Error fetching top coins:", error);
Getting Detailed Information for a Specific Coin
import { initClient, coinsId } from "coingecko-sdk";
const client = initClient();
async function getBitcoinInfo() {
try {
const response = await coinsId({
query: {
id: "bitcoin",
localization: false,
tickers: false,
market_data: true,
community_data: false,
developer_data: false,
sparkline: false,
console.log("Bitcoin information:", response);
} catch (error) {
console.error("Error fetching Bitcoin info:", error);
Available Endpoints
This SDK covers a wide range of CoinGecko API endpoints. Here are some of the key endpoints available:
| Category | Endpoint | Description |
| Simple | /simple/price
| Fetches the current price of one or more coins. |
| Simple | /simple/token_price/{id}
| Queries token price by contract address. |
| Simple | /simple/supported_vs_currencies
| Lists all supported currencies. |
| Coins | /coins/list
| Fetches a list of all coins with id, name, and symbol. |
| Coins | /coins/markets
| Fetches market data for multiple coins. |
| Coins | /coins/{id}
| Fetches detailed information about a specific coin. |
| Coins | /coins/{id}/tickers
| Fetches tickers for a specific coin. |
| Coins | /coins/{id}/history
| Fetches historical data for a specific coin. |
| Coins | /coins/{id}/market_chart
| Fetches historical market data for a specific coin. |
| Coins | /coins/{id}/market_chart/range
| Fetches market data for a specific coin within a date range. |
| Coins | /coins/{id}/ohlc
| Fetches OHLC data for a specific coin. |
| Coins | /coins/top_gainers_losers
| Lists top gainers and losers. |
| Coins | /coins/list/new
| Lists recently added coins. |
| Contract | /coins/{id}/contract/{contract_address}
| Fetches coin data by contract address. |
| Contract | /coins/{id}/contract/{contract_address}/market_chart
| Fetches historical market data by contract address. |
| Contract | /coins/{id}/contract/{contract_address}/market_chart/range
| Fetches market data by contract address within a date range. |
| Categories | /coins/categories/list
| Lists all coin categories. |
| Categories | /coins/categories
| Lists categories with market data. |
| Exchanges | /exchanges
| Lists exchanges with data. |
| Exchanges | /exchanges/list
| Lists all exchanges. |
| Exchanges | /exchanges/{id}
| Fetches data for a specific exchange. |
| Exchanges | /exchanges/{id}/tickers
| Fetches tickers for a specific exchange. |
| Exchanges | /exchanges/{id}/volume_chart
| Fetches volume chart for a specific exchange. |
| Derivatives | /derivatives
| Lists all derivative tickers. |
| Derivatives | /derivatives/exchanges
| Lists all derivative exchanges. |
| NFTs | /nfts/list
| Lists all NFT ids. |
| NFTs | /nfts/{id}
| Fetches data for a specific NFT. |
| NFTs | /nfts/markets
| Lists NFTs with market data. |
| Global | /global
| Fetches cryptocurrency global data. |
| Global | /global/decentralized_finance_defi
| Fetches global DeFi data. |
| Search | /search
| Searches for coins, categories, and markets. |
| Trending | /search/trending
| Lists trending coins, NFTs, and categories. |
| Companies | /companies/public_treasury/{coin_id}
| Lists public companies' holdings for a specific coin. |
| Exchange Rates | /exchange_rates
| Fetches BTC-to-Currency exchange rates. |
| Onchain | /onchain/simple/networks/{network}/token_price/{addresses}
| Fetches token price by contract address on a specific network. |
| Onchain | /onchain/networks
| Lists supported networks. |
| Onchain | /onchain/networks/{network}/dexes
| Lists supported DEXes for a specific network. |
| Onchain | /onchain/networks/trending_pools
| Lists trending pools across all networks. |
| Onchain | /onchain/networks/{network}/pools/{address}
| Fetches data for a specific pool. |
For a complete list of available endpoints and their parameters, please refer to the CoinGecko API documentation.
This project is licensed under the ISC License.