a finite state machine made in and for coffeescript (javascript)
a finite state machine made in and for CoffeeScript (javascript).
currently there is no separated documentation - but just take a look into tests/. it is very easy to use.
this libray is licensed under the MIT license.
some brief, high-level features include:
defining state machines on any javascript object or class (constructor)
state-driven instance behavior (methods and attributes)
hierarchical states (states could have parent/child relationships)
state (enter, exit) and transitions callbacks
flexible and very readable DSL based around states, events and transitions. design original based on pluginaweek/state_machine, but now it's slightly different ..
high code-coverage using the mocha test framework
written in 100% CoffeeScript
cheat sheet
sm = state_machine 'state', (state, event, transition) ->
state.initial 'foo'
state 'plah', ->
one: -> yes
two: -> no
state 'bar', parent: 'plah', enter: (-> "onEnterBar"), exit: (-> "onExitBar"), ->
one: -> no
two: -> yes
event 'boom', ->
plah: foo
bar: plah
transition.from 'foo', to: 'bar', if: -> true, unless: -> false
event 'bang', ->
transition.from ['foo', 'bar'], to: 'bar', action: (oldState, newState) -> "..."
transition.all except: 'bar', only: ['foo'], to: 'plah'
sm.two = 2
sm.boom three: 42
sm.three is 42 # => yes
sm.two() # => yes
sm.state is 'bar' # => yes
sm.is_state('plah') # => yes