The Coffee Milk Half Marathon / 5k / 10k. All 3 courses are flat and fast. The half marathon is a are certified course and the 5k / 10k was measured using a jones counter.
Coffee Milk Marathon 2023 Live Half Marathon Broadcast
The Coffee Milk Half Marathon / 5k / 10k. All 3 courses are flat and fast. The half marathon is a are certified course and the 5k / 10k was measured using a jones counter.
👉 Watch Coffee Milk Marathon 2023 Live
Both Coffee Milk Marathon & Half courses are flat and fast. The marathon this year is one loop. There are approximately 15 water stops on the marathon course, and 8 on the half marathon course. Trophies will be awarded to he overall Male/Female. Medals will be awarded to all participants, and awards will be given to the top 3 in each age group. Awards will be given out after the event.
Overall trophies will be given to top Male/Female in the 5K/half marathon/marathon. Medal will be given to all 5K participants.