Library to improve own experience working with JS.
Library to improve own experience working with JS.
Current version: 1.1.2
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Getting Started
import {Codus} from 'codus.js'
const codus = new Codus()
--- haversine (lat1, long1, lat2, long2) : calculates distance beetween 2 dots on Earth and returns result in km.
--- cords (e) : makes easier working with MapboxGL API by return an object with coordinates.
--- search (original = '', toCompare = '', percent = 5e1, startFromBeginning = false) : searching text by comparing string with substring by filters (% and position to start of comparing).
--- short (text = '', words = 3) : slices text with size by words and returns it.
--- round (num = 1, digit = 0) : rounding number and returns integer or float rounded by digit
--- percent (value = 0, total = 1e1, round = 0) : return rounded number generated by % of total.
--- part (value = 0, total = 1e1, round = 0) : return % number generated by value of total.
--- random (list = [], shift = 0) : return randomly choosen value of list with slicing % of array's elements from left side by shift parameter.
--- card (text = '', isConvert = true) : return text converted into card number or vice versa.
--- calories (weight = 7e1, distance = 5e2, pulse = 11e1, round = 0) : return number of burned calories by running distance in km.
--- debounce (func, timestamp = 5e2) : return function with an interval.
--- go (url = '') : open browser's folder with source by url.
--- copy (text = '') : copy message by text and save it in clipboard.
--- cash (change = 1e3, coins = []) : counts number of different coins to pay change and return an object with residue and number of coins {change, values}.
--- mutateObject (object = {}, properties = [], values = []) : change values of object's properties with an array and return updated object.
--- splice (list = [], borders = [], values = [], check = null) : update elements of array inside index borders with values if check expression is valid.
--- is (obj1 = {}, obj2 = {}, round = 0) : return % of objects similarity.
--- depth (list = [], position = 1) : return level of array's depth.
--- objectFilter (obj = {}, type = 'string') : return object only with type of property's value.
--- filterArrayByDigit (list = [], index = 1, value = 1) : validate each array number by check value equal to digit of number by index and return list of numbers.
--- reverseObject (obj = {}) : exchange key and value in each property of object and return object.
--- textSubstring (text = '', substring = '') : counts number of word includes substring and return it.
--- binary (num = null, isConvert = true) : convert decimal number to binary (by default) or binary to number.
--- getObjectProperty (obj = {}, properties = []) : get object's property by array of keys.
--- sum (list = [], isEven = null, min = 0, max = 1e6) : return sum of elements after filtering by isEven and borders.
--- wordEnd (num = 1, base = 'поезд', isLessHalf= 'а', isMoreHalf = 'ов') : set right ending of noun word with its numeral in slavic languages.
--- countSpacesByWordsLength (text = '', min = 1, max = 1e1) : return num of spaces which near words have length inside borders.
--- filterObjectProperties (obj = {}, text = '') : filter properties of object by including text and returns cut off object.
--- findUppercasePart (text = '', round = 0) : return rounded % of uppercase words in text.
--- id (length = 1, isNum = true, uppercaseSchema = []) : build ID with size by length, may includes numbers and list of multiplicity nums as positions of ID symbols which will be uppercase.
--- findWordByDynamicLength (text = '', percent = 5e1) : return word with length by % of logest word in text.
--- direction (lat1, long1, lat2, long2) : return text with direction of moving from current to next map' dot.
--- passwordDifficulty (text = '', base = 1, multiplier = 1.5) : estimate password difficulty and return number of points.