Automating itermocil project creation for Javascript projects
Codocil: defaults for Itermocil
Itermocil iTermocil allows you to setup pre-configured layouts of windows and panes in iTerm2. Codocil automates the creation of itermocil files for javascript projects (more languages to be added on request). It also wraps some Itermocil functionality for ease of use.
Install Itermocil
$ brew update
$ brew install TomAnthony/brews/itermocil
Then npm install -g codocil
or yarn global add codocil
Point Codocil init -r
at the root of your developer directory and all folders that have a known project identifier (excluding node_modules/*, my goodness could you imagine?) will be given an itermocil document. The Itermocil configuration will have two panes, one for git and one for your server.
Edit a particular project with codocil edit <(Project Name>
Codocil currently only recognizes JavaScript.
This section has been slightly modified from its complement in itermocil.
To get autocompletion when typing codocil <Tab>
In Zsh
echo 'compctl -g \'~/.itermocil/.codocil/*(:t:r)\' codocil' >> .zshrc
The following have not been tested:
In Bash
To get autocompletion when typing codocil in a bash session, add this line to your ~/.bashrc file:
complete -W "\$(codocil --cmpl)" codocil
In fish
To get autocompletion when typing codocil in a fish session, add this line to your ~/.config/fish/ file:
complete -c codocil -a "(codocil --cmpl)"