A CLI tool to generate code structure templates
Code Temple It!
Create your code temples (base and sacred folder and file templates that you need to repeat across the entire project) and share them!
Usage: temple-it [options] [command]
CLI for creating your code temples, base structures that should be repeated across the project
-V, --version output the version number
-h, --help display help for command
init Create a new temple-it folder
create [name] Create a new temple-it
list Lists all available temples
copy [options] [templeName] [destination] [source] [destination] [name]
help [command] display help for command
How to install
npm i code-temple-it -g
How to use
# Initializes .temples folder in your project
templeit init
# Create your first temple
templeit create react-component
# Create/Edit your files under .temple/react-component
- placeholder-value.types.ts
- placeholder-value.component.tsx
- placeholder-value.module.css
# Replicate your temples into your project easily
# Anywhere in your file name or contents that TempleIt finds "Placeholder Value", it will replace to "Button", keeping the casing
templeit copy react-component src/components/ui/button
- button.types.ts
- button.component.tsx
- button.module.css
Other useful commands are
# Outputs available commands
templeit help
# Outputs command details
templeit help init|create|list|copy
# Outputs to the terminal the new files instead of creating them
templeit copy react-component src/components/ui/button --dry-run
# Copies only the subfolder of your Temple, instead of the entire code
templeit copy react-component src/components/ui/button --f subfolder
# Copies the temple from a Github Repo and Subfolder
templeit copy [email protected]:githubuser/githubrepo.git src/components/ui/button --f subfolder