The simplest command parser that could be used to implement prefix commands
The simplest command parser that could be used to implement prefix commands
Although it is powerful library to handle prefix commands for bot development in discord, this library IS NOT dependent on any discord library. You can use it in any other project you'd like to implement some command management.
First of all as always you will need to import the library using the old good way:
const Prefix = require('coconutprefix')
Create instance
We decided to design it using OOP paradigm so you will need to create an instance like that:
const commandHandler = new Prefix('/')
The argument that you pass in constructor could be a single character like we just did or you could use an array of strings to handle command with more than one prefix:
const commandHandler = new Prefix('/', '!', '.')
You could use prefix with more than one character as well:
const commandHandler = new Prefix('/', '!', '.command$')
Use it
Now you can call handleCommand method and pass your command as string
single word argument
const myCommand = `/print hello!`
const [error, command, params] = commandHandler.parseCommand(myCommand)
| property | value | | -------- | -------- | | error | It will be an error message if there is one. Otherwise it will be undefined | | command | It will take the name of the command (word that sticks to prefix) | | args | It will take an array of parms that are passed with the command|
multiple words argument
if you need to handle more than one word argument (for example you need to print hello world istead of simple hello!)
you have to wrap the argument with quotes (" ")
const myCommand = `/print "hello world!"`
const [error, command, params] = commandHandler.parseCommand(myCommand)