lua extension for coc
Lua language server extension using LuaLS/lua-language-server
for coc.nvim
In your vim/neovim, run command:
:CocInstall coc-lua
| Key | Description |
| lua.version
| Print extension version |
| lua.update
| Update language server |
| Key | Description | Default |
| lua.enable
| set to false
to disable lua language server. | true
Trigger completion in coc-settings.json
to get complete list.
| Key | Description | Default |
| Lua.addonManager.enable
| Set the on/off state for the addon manager. | true |
| Lua.codeLens.enable
| Enable code lens. | |
| Lua.completion.autoRequire
| When the input looks like a file name, automatically require
this file. | true |
| Lua.completion.callSnippet
| Shows function call snippets. | "Disable" |
| Lua.completion.displayContext
| Previewing the relevant code snippet of the suggestion may help you understand the usage of the suggestion. The number set indicates the number of intercepted lines in the code fragment. If it is set to 0
, this feature can be disabled. | |
| Lua.completion.enable
| Enable completion. | true |
| Lua.completion.keywordSnippet
| Shows keyword syntax snippets. | "Replace" |
| Lua.completion.postfix
| The symbol used to trigger the postfix suggestion. | "@" |
| Lua.completion.requireSeparator
| The separator used when require
. | "." |
| Lua.completion.showParams
| Display parameters in completion list. When the function has multiple definitions, they will be displayed separately. | true |
| Lua.completion.showWord
| Show contextual words in suggestions. | "Fallback" |
| Lua.completion.workspaceWord
| Whether the displayed context word contains the content of other files in the workspace. | true |
| Lua.diagnostics.disable
| Disabled diagnostic (Use code in hover brackets). | [] |
| Lua.diagnostics.disableScheme
| Do not diagnose Lua files that use the following scheme. | ["git"] |
| Lua.diagnostics.enable
| Enable diagnostics. | true |
| Lua.diagnostics.globals
| Defined global variables. | [] |
| Lua.diagnostics.ignoredFiles
| How to diagnose ignored files. | "Opened" |
| Lua.diagnostics.libraryFiles
| How to diagnose files loaded via Lua.workspace.library
. | "Opened" |
| Lua.diagnostics.unusedLocalExclude
| Do not diagnose unused-local
when the variable name matches the following pattern. | [] |
| Lua.diagnostics.workspaceDelay
| Latency (milliseconds) for workspace diagnostics. | 3000 |
| Lua.diagnostics.workspaceEvent
| Set the time to trigger workspace diagnostics. | "OnSave" |
| Lua.diagnostics.workspaceRate
| Workspace diagnostics run rate (%). Decreasing this value reduces CPU usage, but also reduces the speed of workspace diagnostics. The diagnosis of the file you are currently editing is always done at full speed and is not affected by this setting. | 100 |
| Lua.doc.packageName
| Treat specific field names as package, e.g. m_*
means XXX.m_id
and XXX.m_type
are package, witch can only be accessed in the file where the definition is located. | [] |
| Lua.doc.privateName
| Treat specific field names as private, e.g. m_*
means XXX.m_id
and XXX.m_type
are private, witch can only be accessed in the class where the definition is located. | [] |
| Lua.doc.protectedName
| Treat specific field names as protected, e.g. m_*
means XXX.m_id
and XXX.m_type
are protected, witch can only be accessed in the class where the definition is located and its subclasses. | [] |
| Lua.format.defaultConfig
| The default format configuration. Has a lower priority than .editorconfig
file in the workspace.Read formatter docs to learn usage. | {} |
| Lua.format.enable
| Enable code formatter. | true |
| Lua.hint.arrayIndex
| Show hints of array index when constructing a table. | "Auto" |
| Lua.hint.await
| If the called function is marked ---@async
, prompt await
at the call. | true |
| Lua.hint.enable
| Enable inlay hint. | |
| Lua.hint.paramName
| Show hints of parameter name at the function call. | "All" |
| Lua.hint.paramType
| Show type hints at the parameter of the function. | true |
| Lua.hint.semicolon
| If there is no semicolon at the end of the statement, display a virtual semicolon. | "SameLine" |
| Lua.hint.setType
| Show hints of type at assignment operation. | |
| Lua.hover.enable
| Enable hover. | true |
| Lua.hover.enumsLimit
| When the value corresponds to multiple types, limit the number of types displaying. | 5 |
| Lua.hover.expandAlias
| Whether to expand the alias. For example, expands ---@alias myType boolean|number
appears as boolean|number
, otherwise it appears as myType'. | true |
| **
Lua.hover.previewFields** | When hovering to view a table, limits the maximum number of previews for fields. | 50 |
| **
Lua.hover.viewNumber** | Hover to view numeric content (only if literal is not decimal). | true |
| **
Lua.hover.viewString** | Hover to view the contents of a string (only if the literal contains an escape character). | true |
| **
Lua.hover.viewStringMax** | The maximum length of a hover to view the contents of a string. | 1000 |
| **
Lua.misc.executablePath** | Specify the executable path in VSCode. | |
| **
Lua.misc.parameters** | [Command line parameters]( when starting the language server in VSCode. | [] |
| **
Lua.runtime.fileEncoding** | File encoding. The
ansioption is only available under the
Windows platform. | "utf8" |
| **
Lua.runtime.meta** | Format of the directory name of the meta files. | "${version} ${language} ${encoding}" |
| **
Lua.runtime.nonstandardSymbol** | Supports non-standard symbols. Make sure that your runtime environment supports these symbols. | [] |
| **
Lua.runtime.path** | When using
require, how to find the file based on the input name.<br>Setting this config to
?/init.luameans that when you enter
require 'myfile',
${workspace}/myfile/init.luawill be searched from the loaded files.<br>if
${workspace}//myfile/init.luawill also be searched.<br>If you want to load files outside the workspace, you need to set
Lua.workspace.library first. | ["?.lua","?/init.lua"] |
| **
Lua.runtime.pathStrict** | When enabled,
runtime.pathwill only search the first level of directories, see the description of
runtime.path. | |
| **
Lua.runtime.plugin** | Plugin path. Please read [wiki]( to learn more. | |
| **
Lua.runtime.pluginArgs** | Additional arguments for the plugin. | [] |
| **
Lua.runtime.special** | The custom global variables are regarded as some special built-in variables, and the language server will provide special support<br>The following example shows that 'include' is treated as' require '.<br>```json<br>"Lua.runtime.special" : {<br> "include" : "require"<br>}<br>``` | {} |
| **
Lua.runtime.unicodeName** | Allows Unicode characters in name. | |
| **
Lua.runtime.version** | Lua runtime version. | "Lua 5.4" |
| **
Lua.semantic.annotation** | Semantic coloring of type annotations. | true |
| **
Lua.semantic.enable** | Enable semantic color. You may need to set
true to take effect. | true |
| **
Lua.semantic.keyword** | Semantic coloring of keywords/literals/operators. You only need to enable this feature if your editor cannot do syntax coloring. | |
| **
Lua.semantic.variable** | Semantic coloring of variables/fields/parameters. | true |
| **
Lua.signatureHelp.enable** | Enable signature help. | true |
| **
Lua.spell.dict** | Custom words for spell checking. | [] |
| **
Lua.type.castNumberToInteger** | Allowed to assign the
numbertype to the
integer type. | true |
| **
Lua.type.weakNilCheck** | When checking the type of union type, ignore the
nilin it.<br><br>When this setting is
false, the
number|niltype cannot be assigned to the
numbertype. It can be with
true. | |
| **
Lua.type.weakUnionCheck** | Once one subtype of a union type meets the condition, the union type also meets the condition.<br><br>When this setting is
false, the
number|booleantype cannot be assigned to the
numbertype. It can be with
true. | |
| **
Lua.window.progressBar** | Show progress bar in status bar. | true |
| **
Lua.window.statusBar** | Show extension status in status bar. | true |
| **
Lua.workspace.checkThirdParty** | Automatic detection and adaptation of third-party libraries, currently supported libraries are:<br><br>* OpenResty<br>* Cocos4.0<br>* LÖVE<br>* LÖVR<br>* skynet<br>* Jass | true |
| **
Lua.workspace.ignoreDir** | Ignored files and directories (Use
.gitignore grammar). | [".vscode"] |
| **
Lua.workspace.ignoreSubmodules** | Ignore submodules. | true |
| **
Lua.workspace.library** | In addition to the current workspace, which directories will load files from. The files in these directories will be treated as externally provided code libraries, and some features (such as renaming fields) will not modify these files. | [] |
| **
Lua.workspace.maxPreload** | Max preloaded files. | 5000 |
| **
Lua.workspace.preloadFileSize** | Skip files larger than this value (KB) when preloading. | 500 |
| **
Lua.workspace.useGitIgnore** | Ignore files list in
.gitignore . | true |
| **
Lua.workspace.userThirdParty` | Add private third-party library configuration file paths here, please refer to the built-in configuration file path | [] |
- Run
npm run build
ornpm run build:watch
- Link extension:
npm run link
/npm run unlink