coa_tools importer for pixi
coa_tools importer for pixi, details about coa_tools.
import coa from 'pixi_coa_importer';
'/res/samples/', //absolute path to resourses, may be url or anything
require('/res/samples/test.json')) //json with config
.then((conf) => {
let properties = {
debugTree: true, //print node tree in console
debugTreeVerbose: true, //print verbose tree
debugBounds: true, //draw debug bounds
fonts:{} //fonts ids
let ui = new coa.ui(conf, properties); //create window
wind.position.set(width / 2, height / 2);
ui.layer_name; //Access to exportet layers
ui.group_name.layer_name; //Access to nested groups
ui.button.on('pointerdown', ()=>{console.log('click')}); //buttons works with all pixi events
ui.progress.binding = 0.5; //Set progress bar to half
ui.gnodes.label_text; //Access to nodes with flag --global
ui.gbinds.label_text = "Your label"; //Set value of global nodes bind
ui.gnodes.label_text.updateBinding("Another label"); //You can access to that prop manually
ui.gbinds.close_btn = function(){}; //Buttons callbacks
ui.gbinds.list = [{text_area:"text", sprite_area:"srite", btn:function(){}}]; //geterate lists for `list --global type=container`
ui.gbinds.list.push({...}); //push, pop, insert itc.
ui.gbinds.list.push({$elementCreated: function(child){}}); //you can handle element creation
ui.gbinds.siplestList = [true, false, 123] //for nodes without binds counts only array length
//You can't push in your own array like:
//let a = [true, true];
//binds.node = a;
//a.push(true); //not gonna work
//binds.node.push(true) //gonna work
Text pattenrs
You can draw custom sprites inside text_area and btn text
PIXI.loader.add('devIcon', 'res/develop.png').load(callback); //preload pixi texture first
//some abstract coa window
let wind = new ui(conf, {
customTextSymbols: { testIcon: PIXI.Texture.from('res/develop.png') }
//pass <{symbolName}> into text to print that sprite
window.gbinds.your_text_area = 'some text and inserted icon: <{testIcon}>'
//will print 11 inside symbol
window.gbinds.your_text_area1 = 'some text and inserted icon with text: <{testIcon}[11]>'
//you can combine it whatever you like
window.gbinds.your_text_area1 = 'some text and inserted icon with text: <{testIcon}[text]{anotherIcon}> <[text under icon]{anotherIcon1}>'