Set of commands for use with JBRD boards to control shades
This package contains a set of commands to be used with the JBRD shades through utilization of the 'select' function. It also contains two variables: dev_exec and vers
dev_exec: boolean value (default false) that will be changed base upon the most recent execution check
vers: integer value representing the version of the last drive checked
The config file for changing the baud rate and port is found in "./src/config.js"; the default values are: port: "dev/pts/3" baud: 57600
The function takes a set of inputs that determines what commands to send and to what device, all values are taken as STRINGS:
-- NOTE -- the program will accomodate or any missing 0's in device id, so "1" will be converted to "001" automatically before commands are sent.
function select(cmd, dev, ...args)
cmd: the key character that will determine the command to be sent. Possible values:
"A": abort
only device number as input
"E": immmediate motor halt
takes device number, deceleration value, hold current, and delay
"m": execute program
takes device number followed by the program name
"r": checks if program execution is in progress
takes only device number
"R": drive reset (akin to power cycle)
takes only device number
"v": version check
takes only device number
-- Sample Calls --
select("A", "200"); Sends "#200JBRDA"
select("E", "302", "1000", "0.95", "0"); Sends "#302JBRDE1000,0.95,0"
select("m", "401", "FullExtend"); Sends "#401JBRDmFullExtend"
select("r", "609") Sends "#609JBRDr" and changes value of 'dev_exec' according to response
select("R", "1"); Sends "#001JBRDR"
select("v", "108"); Sends "#108JBRDv" and changes 'vers' according to response