npm package to communicate with the CMI payment plateform in Morocco
Install cmi-node with npm
npm i cmi-payment-nodejs
Usage/Examples using Express.js
const express = require('express');
const cmi = require('cmi-payment-nodejs');
const app = express();
const port = 3000;
// Define a route to initiate a CMI payment
app.get('/pay', (req, res) => {
// Extract necessary information from the request query parameters
const { amount, email, tel, BillToName } = req.query;
// Initialize the CMI payment client with your configuration
const CmiClient = new cmi.default({
storekey: 'YOUR_STOREKEY', // Your CMI Store Key
clientid: 'YOUR_CLIENTID', // Your CMI Client ID
oid: 'UNIQUE_COMMAND_ID', // A unique command ID
shopurl: '', // Your shop's URL for redirection
okUrl: '', // Redirection after a successful payment
failUrl: '', // Redirection after a failed payment
email, // email for CMI platform
BillToName, // name as it should appear on the CMI platform
amount, // The amount to be paid
callbackURL: '', // Callback URL for payment confirmation
tel, // phone number for the CMI platform
// Generate an HTML form for the CMI payment
const htmlForm = CmiClient.redirect_post();
// Send the HTML form as the response
app.listen(port, () => {
console.log(`App is listening on port ${port}`);
Basic test card numbers
Credit Card information cannot be used in test mode. instead, use any of the following test card numbers, a valid expiration date in the future, and any random CVC number, to create a successful payment.
Branch : visa
, PAN: 4000000000000010
, Expired date: make any date
CVC: 000
Branch : MasterCard
, PAN: 5453010000066100
, Expired date: make any date
CVC: 000
3D Secure test card numbers
The following card information try to tests local payments such as Strong Customer Authentication SCA
Branch : MasterCard
, PAN: 5191630100004896
, Authentication code: 123
Expired date: make any date
CVC: 000